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Citations for Carl Zeiss :
2401 - 2450 of 7212 citations since 2019
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2022Quote: Lattice light-sheet microscopy was performed on a Zeiss Lattice Light Sheet 7 (Carl Zeiss) as part of an early adaptor program ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2022Quote: ... Stained samples were observed under epifluorescence using the Axioskop 2 microscope equipped with light-emitting diode fluorescence light sources (X-Cite; Excelitas Technologies) and a 100× objective (AxioPlan, NA1.4, Carl Zeiss). Images were captured with a CCD camera (Retiga ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... These samples were analyzed by light microscopy and DIC images of living cells were taken using a Zeiss Axiophot microscope equipped with a Plan-Neofluar 100x/1.30 Oil objective (Carl Zeiss Lichtmikroskopie, Göttingen, Germany) and a Leica DFC360 FX camera operated with the Leica LAS AF software version 2.2.1 (Leica Microsystems ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... An Axionplan 2 compound microscope (Carl Zeiss, Thornwood, NY) equipped with Nomarski DIC optics ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: Fluorescence microscopy was performed on a Zeiss Axio Observer Z1/7 (Carl Zeiss, Germany) inverted wide-field microscope ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... Raw images were analyzed using the AxioVision software (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging), and processed using ImageJ.
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... Fluorescence microscopy imaging were done with a Zeiss Apotome microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging) and using a 63X oil immersion objective with a numerical aperture of 1.4 (WD 190 ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... Images were acquired with a Zeiss Apotome microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging) and using a 63X oil immersion objective with a numerical aperture of 1.4 (WD 190 ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... Raw images were acquired using the AxioVision software (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging), and processed using ImageJ.
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2022Quote: ... and imaged with a Zeiss Axioskop 40 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany). Immunofluorescence staining was also performed ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2022Quote: The posterior lateral aspect of the proximal tibia of a 12-month female BALB/C mouse was scanned 5 mm from the tibiofibular junction (TFJ) using an Xradia Versa 520 X-Ray Microscope (‘XRM’, Carl Zeiss, Germany) to create computed tomography at sub-micrometer length scales ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... channel alignment was performed following a calibration procedure using pre-mounted MultiSpec beads (Carl Zeiss, 2076-515). For the calibration procedure ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... a BP 420-480/BP 495-550/LP 650 multi-bandpass emission filter (Carl Zeiss 1769-207) was used and a final image was acquired using an Andor iXon DU 897 EMCCD camera with 25msec exposure ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... Migration experiments were performed by using phase contrast microscopy in a Axio Observer 7 (Carl Zeiss) using a x10 objective for 6 h at 37ºC and 5% CO2 ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... a 63× 1.2 NA objective (Carl Zeiss) and a Flash4 CMOS camera (Hamamatsu) ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... with a Plan-Achromat 63 x 1.4 NA oil immersion objective (Carl Zeiss, 420782-9900-000). Three laser lines ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... Built-in multi-band dichroic mirror MBS405/488/561 (Carl Zeiss, 1784-995) were used to reflect excitation laser beams onto samples ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... Built-in multi-band dichroic mirror MBS 405/488/642 (Carl Zeiss 1784-996) were used to reflect excitation laser beams onto samples ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: FRAP measurement was performed using a Zeiss LSM 880 system equipped with a 100x NA 1.46 oil immersion objective (Carl Zeiss alpha Plan-Apochromat, 420792-9800-000). For sample illumination a 20 mW 561 nm diode laser was used ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2022Quote: ... imaging was performed using Highly Inclined and Laminated (HILO) illumination with a 100x NA 1.46 oil immersion objective (Carl Zeiss alpha Plan-Apochromat, 420792-9800-000). For fluorescence signal collection ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: Cardiomyocytes were imaged using the Zeiss ELYRA/LSM 710 system (Carl Zeiss; Jena, Germany). A diode laser (150 mW ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... and with an ApoTome.2 (Carl Zeiss) slider using a 20X air ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... with a laser scanning microscope (LSM 800, Carl Zeiss). Fluorescence intensity was measured after segmentation of individual aLDs.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Stained embryos and sections were observed using a LSM800 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss).
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... of the resulting closed circles and the cells were visualized with a LSM 800 inverted confocal microscope and a LSM ZEN 2010 software (Carl Zeiss, Munich, Germany) at the CPOS ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Images were captured with a Libra 120 transmission electron microscopy (Carl Zeiss NTS GmbH, Germany) equipped with a SSCCD camera system (TRS ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Briefly, a NanoWizard® 3 AFM (JPK-Instruments, Berlin, Germany) mounted on an inverted optical microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) or Nanowizard 4 AFM (JPK-Instruments ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... under a Zeiss Axioskop II microscope (Carl Zeiss). The sections were counterstained with the Mayer’s hematoxylin ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Multi-spectrum fluorescence images were captured using a LSM 710 inverted confocal microscope and a LSM ZEN 2010 software (Carl Zeiss, Munich, Germany) at the CPOS ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... primary cells and organoid samples were imaged with the 20x objective of an AxioObserver.Z1 epifluorescence microscope equipped with a Hamamatsu ORCA-ER camera and ApoTome.2 (Carl Zeiss) slider ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Adult wings and nota were imaged at room temperature on a Axioplan (Carl Zeiss) microscope ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... and hsf-1::gfp (OG532) strain was used and their fluorescence was visualized using a confocal laser scanning microscope with inverted stand (LSM8, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) (with excitation at 488 nm and emission at 535 nm) ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... the nucleus/intermediate/cytoplasm fluorescence or fluorescence intensity of 30 - 40 worms were detected densitometrically with ZEN Lite software (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) with triplicate attempts.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... one-day-old adult animals were examined by a spinning disk confocal microscope (AxioObeserver Z1, Carl Zeiss) with a ×5 (numerical aperture (NA ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... the cover slips were mounted onto glass slides and visualized under a confocal laser scanning microscope (LSM8, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) (with excitation at 350 nm and emission at 420 nm) ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... The fluorescence intensities were calculated densitometrically with ZEN Lite software (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) by measuring the average pixel intensity.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Cells were visualized using LSM780 (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany) confocal laser scanning microscope.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Images were captured using a confocal laser scanning microscope LSM780 (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany), as the cells were being incubated at 35 °C using a temperature-controlled stage plate (Carl Zeiss Microscopy ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: Focus ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) images were acquired using a ZEISS Crossbeam 540 with ZEISS Atlas 5 software (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany) and collected using an in-column energy selective backscatter with filtering grid to reject unwanted secondary electrons and backscatter electrons up to a voltage of 1.5 keV at the working distance of 5.01 mm with a pixel size of 10 nm ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... cells were instead plated on MembraneRing 35 rings (hereafter “membrane rings”; #415190-9142-000; Carl Zeiss) (see “Single-cell capturing” section ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... We adapted a previously developed LCM system (Palm Microbeam, Carl Zeiss) and re-designed the capturing and imaging setup as described below and in Extended Data Fig ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Cell synchronization and transfection were performed on cells seeded onto MembraneRing 35 rings (#415190-9142-000; Carl Zeiss), allowing cell isolation by laser capture (see below) ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... to allow placement of the membrane rings in a flipped orientation on the Palm Microbeam LCM microscope with a DishHolder 50 CC (#415101-2000-841; Carl Zeiss, see Extended Data Fig.1b). This allowed capturing of cells in a multi-well capture plate that could be placed very close to the cells ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... Cell synchronization and transfection were performed on cells seeded onto MembraneRing 35 rings (#415190-9142-000; Carl Zeiss), allowing cell isolation by laser capture (see below) ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... as the cells were being incubated at 35 °C using a temperature-controlled stage plate (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany).
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... Images were taken with a Zeiss Axio Skop plus2 microscope (Carl Zeiss).
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... Images were taken with a Zeiss Axio Skop plus2 microscope (Carl Zeiss).
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... and lens was performed using before imaging by slit lamp bio-microscopy (SL120, Carl Zeiss, Germany). Fundus photography ...
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... for a duration of about 55 hours at room temperature (approx. 20°C) using ZEN imaging software (Carl Zeiss). Movies were formatted and compiled using ImageJ and iMovie (Apple).
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... the Nearest Neighbor Deconvolution function within the ZenBlue software (Carl Zeiss Microscopy) or LAS X software (Leica Microsystems ...