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Citations for Carl Zeiss :
2301 - 2350 of 7212 citations since 2019
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: Morphology RS-P was determined at regular intervals using an Axioskop 2plus microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) using a Plan-NEOFLUAR 100X/1.3 objective ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2023Quote: ... Confocal images were recorded at room temperature in multitrack mode using Zeiss LSM510 confocal fluorescence microscopes (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) using a plan apochromat 63× ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... an Examiner.Z1 upright stand (Carl Zeiss, Germany), a CSU-W1 head (Yokogawa ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: ... Images were analyzed using the ZEN 3.0 blue edition (Carl Zeiss) and the Fiji distribution of ImageJ 1.53c.20 Every optical slice with a 2 mm increment was observed over whole GUVs ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: ... Fluorescence light was excitated with a DPSS 473 nm CW laser (100 mW, Lasever, LSR473U) and separated using filter set 10 (Carl Zeiss). Images were obtained with an exposure time of 1000 ms and electron multiplier gain of 3800 ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: ... All measurements were carried out with a JPK Nanowizard Ultra-Speed atomic force microscope (JPK Instruments, Berlin, Germany) mounted on an inverted optical microscope (Axio Observer; Carl Zeiss, Heidelberg, Germany). Silicon nitride probes (mean cantilever spring constant of 0.12 N/m ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: We used a fluorescence microscope (Axio Observer 3, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH., Oberkochen) mounted with DIC module ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2023Quote: ... Fluorescence microscopy images were acquired with either LSM 700 (Carl Zeiss) confocal microscope using Zen software or Zeiss Axioscan7 using Zen (version 2.6 ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2023Quote: ... confocal microscope using Zen software or Zeiss Axioscan7 using Zen (version 2.6) software (Carl Zeiss). All images were further processed using Fiji software ...
Volumetrically tracking retinal and choroidal structural changes in central serous chorioretinopathybioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... FastTrac motion correction (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, CA), which detects and tracks eye motion via line-scanning ophthalmoscope (LSO ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... with an attached Zeiss Axiocam 105 color camera (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany).
bioRxiv - Immunology 2023Quote: ... cells were subjected to confocal microscopy (Carl Zeiss, LSM 780).
bioRxiv - Genomics 2023Quote: ... NeuN and PV in in utero electroporated mice was performed using a Zeiss Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 NA air objective and a Plan-Apochromat 40×/1.4 NA oil-immersion objective on a confocal/two-photon laser-scanning microscope (LSM 710, Carl Zeiss Australia) built around an Axio Observer Z1 body and equipped with two internal gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: Images were acquired using a 10x objective on a Zeiss Axio M2 Imager (Carl Zeiss Inc., Thornwood, New York), and analyzed with ImageJ/Fiji software (RRID ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Live cell imaging was then conducted by ZEISS LSM 980 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Images were then taken by ZEISS LSM 980 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany).
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2023Quote: ... Optical images were acquired using a ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner (Carl Zeiss AG, Jena, Germany) with 40x objective ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... the images were captured using Zeiss ELYRA Super Resolution Microscopy and analyzed using Zen 3.6 (blue edition) (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH).
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... confocal images were acquired using an LSM880 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss) with a 40×/1.2 lens objective ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... Image acquisition and analysis were performed with Zen 2.6 (blue edition) (Carl Zeiss) software.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... Cells were visualised using a Zeiss Axiovert 200 microscope with an AxioCam camera and ZEN Pro software (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and images acquired as z-stack of 0.26µm ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Images were captured with a laser scanning confocal microscope (Olympus FV3000 or LSM780, Carl Zeiss) using 40x 1.3 NA or 60x 1.42 NA objectives ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... using C Plan-Apochromat 63×/1.4 oil objective with a 1.518 refractive index oil (Carl Zeiss). The fluorescence signal was detected on an EMCCD Andor Ixon 887 1K ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... reflected from a quad-bandpass dichroic mirror (Di01-R405/488/561/635, Semrock, Rochester, NY) located on a Ludl emission filter wheel (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany). The microscope was controlled using MetaMorph software (Version ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... were collected using the Zen (Carl Zeiss) acquisition software’s tiling function to encompass the whole organ of Corti epithelia.
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... and a 63x 1.4 NA oil objective lens (Carl Zeiss AG). Confocal stacks were taken at the cochlear base ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... were collected on an LSM880 Airyscan (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) with either a Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.4 Oil ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... The structural features of the microvessels preparation were first examined using a bright field microscope (Primo Star Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and brain debris ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... followed by imaging on a light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Axio).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... installed on a Gemini field emission SEM (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Jena, Germany). Volume was collected at 2.5 kV accelerating voltage ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Imaging was performed using a confocal microscope with airy-scan processing (LSM880; Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany).
bioRxiv - Physiology 2023Quote: ... and examined by light microscopy (Axioplan2, Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Thornwood, NY).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Twelve-µm-thick sections containing the LS were thaw-mounted onto PEN membrane glass slides (Membrane Slide 1.0 PEN, Carl Zeiss), air-dried in the cryostat chamber and preprocessed for LCM as reported elsewhere (25 ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: Fluorescently tagged KP neurons (N=360/library) were microdissected individually and pressure-catapulted into 0.5 ml tube caps (Adhesive Cap 200, Carl Zeiss) with a single laser pulse using a 40× objective lens and the PALM Microbeam system and RoboSoftware (Carl Zeiss) ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... with a single laser pulse using a 40× objective lens and the PALM Microbeam system and RoboSoftware (Carl Zeiss). Each neuronal pool was collected proportionally from 3 brains and stored in LCM tube caps at -80 °C until RNA extraction.
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... and Field L in juvenile and adult male zebra finches from our lab were taken with a Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 microscope at 40X using the ZEN Imaging software (Carl Zeiss). 40X images were also taken for mouse motor and auditory cortices and the dorsolateral striatum ...
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: ... using an Axiozoom stereomicroscope V16 (Carl Zeiss Microscopy) equipped with a Zeiss Plan-Neofluar 0.5x (NA 0.19 ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... and viewed on an Axioscope epifluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) with filters restricted to the emission spectra of ALEXA 488 and DAPI ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Slide scanner (Carl Zeiss Axio Scan Z1) was used to acquire fluorescent images at 40X magnification ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2023Quote: ... Images were acquired with an LSM800 confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss AG) and analyzed as previously described 92 ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2023Quote: ... Subsequent data processing was performed using the AxioVision 4.7 analysis software (Carl Zeiss) to quantify the rates of substrate turnover ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... Images were captured with a Gemini DSM 982 (Carl Zeiss Microscopy; Oberkochen, Germany), operated at 3 kV.
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... The samples were examined using a Zeiss Axiophot fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss, Gottingen, Germany) and a Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope (Nikon).
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... Images were taken in 5 min intervals using an Axio-Observer inverted fluorescence microscope with an ECPlan Neofluar 100×/1.3 oil Ph3 objective (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The fluorescence of mCherry was detected using the red channel (EX BP 500/25 ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... 2 µl were used for phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy (Carl Zeiss Axio Imager Microscope) on an agarose pad (1% agarose ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: Imaging was carried out using a Zeiss Observer Z1 microscope (Carl Zeiss Microscopy) equipped with a Hamamatsu ORCA-ER cooled CD camera (Hamamatsu ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... and confocal fluorescent images were obtained by use of a LSM510 laser scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss) equipped with a C-APOCHROMAT 63x/1.2 W Korr objective lens (Carl Zeiss ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... Cell size (>100 cells per samples) was determined using AxioVision software (Carl Zeiss). Details can be found in the Supplemental Material.
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: ... LSM900 (Carl Zeiss), or SP8 (Leica ...
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: Confocal microscopy was performed using a Zeiss LSM 880 Airyscan (Carl Zeiss). Calcofluor White was excited at 405 nm and detected at 425–475 nm ...