Labshake Marketplace

Products from Abbexa Ltd.:

2151 - 2200 of 10000+ Mouse Anti Canine Parvovirus 2 Antibody 2A10 from Abbexa Ltd.

  • Oxidant stress-activated serine/threonine kinase that may play a role in the response to...
    Cat# abx028074-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Receptor for brain injury-derived neurotrophic peptide (BINP), a synthetic 13-mer peptide (By...
    Cat# abx030986-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Negative regulator of YAP1 in the Hippo signaling pathway that plays a pivotal role in organ...
    Cat# abx031008-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Map2k1 catalyzes the concomitant phosphorylation of a threonine and a tyrosine residue in a...
    Cat# abx027838-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Rapidly and transiently inhibited by phosphorylation following the generation of DNA...
    Cat# abx029447-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • This is a calcium-independent, phospholipid-dependent, serine-and threonine-specific enzyme....
    Cat# abx027916-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Pkn3 contributes to invasiveness in malignant prostate cancer.
    Cat# abx028186-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Rpl9 belongs to the ribosomal protein L6P family.
    Cat# abx030868-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Ser/Thr protein kinase family. S6 kinase subfamily....
    Cat# abx029438-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • The function of this protein remains unknown.
    Cat# abx029862-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Selenium-binding protein which may be involved in the sensing of reactive xenobiotics in the...
    Cat# abx030957-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Prpf4b has a role in pre-mRNA splicing. Phosphorylates SF2/ASF.
    Cat# abx028066-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Nrbp2 may regulate apoptosis of neural progenitor cells during their differentiation.
    Cat# abx027975-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Pxk binds to and modulates brain Na, K-ATPase subunits ATP1B1 and ATP1B3 and may thereby...
    Cat# abx027842-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Calcium-activated and phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in various...
    Cat# abx028235-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Cytokine with pro-and anti-inflammatory properties, that can regulate T helper cell development,...
    Cat# abx030933-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Mouse Nek5 Antibody is a Rabbit Polyclonal antibody against Mouse Nek5.
    Cat# abx028060-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Pdk2 inhibits the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by phosphorylation of the E1...
    Cat# abx027786-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Keratins 6 and 16 are expressed in keratinocytes, which are undergoing rapid turnover in the...
    Cat# abx031155-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Rapidly and transiently inhibited by phosphorylation following the generation of DNA...
    Cat# abx029447-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Tyrosine kinase of the non-receptor type, involved in the IFN-alpha/beta/gamma signal pathway....
    Cat# abx027832-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • The function of this protein remains unknown.
    Cat# abx030869-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Serine/threonine kinase. Mediates mitotic entry and maintenance. Maintains the correct...
    Cat# abx027941-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Inha inhibins and activins inhibit and activate, respectively, the secretion of follitropin by...
    Cat# abx030953-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • The function of this protein is unknown.
    Cat# abx031450-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Mediates interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) promoter activation. Functions as a...
    Cat# abx031370-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Mouse IgG Antibody is purified from Mouse serum.
    Cat# abx019214-5MG, 5 mg USD $232.0 Ask
  • Mark1 may play a role in cytoskeletal stability (By similarity).
    Cat# abx027924-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Specifically cleave the zymogen plasminogen to form the active enzyme plasmin.
    Cat# abx034650-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Pink1 protects against mitochondrial dysfunction during cellular stress, potentially by...
    Cat# abx027915-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Kinase that may play a role in mitotic regulation.
    Cat# abx027690-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Transcription factor that acts as a cardiac regulator and an effector of alpha1-adrenergic...
    Cat# abx034649-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinase implicated in signaling pathways involved in cell motility,...
    Cat# abx028067-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Pleiotropic regulator of mitotic progression, participating in the control of spindle dynamics...
    Cat# abx028062-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Tyrosine kinase that plays an essential role for the selection and maturation of developing...
    Cat# abx027836-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Protein kinase that act on both serine and threonine residues (By similarity).
    Cat# abx029970-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Phosphorylates KHDRBS2, KHDRBS3 and STAP2/BKS (By similarity). Phosphorylates KHDRBS1. May...
    Cat# abx028419-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Serine/threonine kinase. Mediates mitotic entry and maintenance. Maintains the correct...
    Cat# abx027941-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Mlk4 activates the JUN N-terminal pathway (By similarity).
    Cat# abx027841-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • May specifically dephosphorylate 'Ser-5' of the heptad repeats YSPTSPS in the C-terminal domain...
    Cat# abx031458-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • The function of this protein is unknown.
    Cat# abx031209-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Protease that catalyzes two essential functions in the SUMO pathway: processing of full-length...
    Cat# abx031160-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Kinase that may play a role in mitotic regulation.
    Cat# abx027690-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Selenium-binding protein which may be involved in the sensing of reactive xenobiotics in the...
    Cat# abx030957-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Smarcd1 is involved in chromatin remodeling. Has a strong influence on the Vitamin D-mediated...
    Cat# abx031126-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Appears to link the dystrophin/utrophin network with microtubule filaments via the syntrophins....
    Cat# abx034670-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • STK32A is a member ot the serine/threonine protein kinase family. The specific function of this...
    Cat# abx029441-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Important regulator of cell cycle progression. Involved in G1 arrest. Potent inhibitor of cyclin...
    Cat# abx034671-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • This receptor is controlled by G proteins. Inward rectifier potassium channels are characterized...
    Cat# abx030438-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase that plays pivotal roles in numerous cellular processes...
    Cat# abx029440-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask