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Products from Abbexa Ltd.:

2051 - 2100 of 10000+ Mouse Anti Canine Parvovirus 2 Antibody 2A10 from Abbexa Ltd.

  • Binds to activated (phosphorylated) protein-Tyr kinases, through its SH2 domain, and acts as an...
    Cat# abx031214-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • The function of this protein remains unknown.
    Cat# abx030869-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Competes with LIMS1 for binding to ILK. Plays a role in modulating cell spreading and migration...
    Cat# abx028831-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Required for innate immune defense against viruses. Acts downstream of DDX58 and IFIH1/MDA5,...
    Cat# abx031371-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Cytokine that can act as a growth factor for activated T and NK cells, enhance the lytic...
    Cat# abx030496-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Two step NADP-dependent conversion of GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose to GDP-fucose, involving...
    Cat# abx030949-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Functions: ATP binding, nucleotide binding, protein-tyrosine kinase activity and transferase activity.
    Cat# abx028384-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Mknk2 may play a role in the response to environmental stress and cytokines. Appears to regulate...
    Cat# abx027689-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Irak2 binds to the IL-1 type I receptor following IL-1 engagement, triggering intracellular...
    Cat# abx028627-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Calcium-activated and phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in various...
    Cat# abx028235-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • This is calcium-independent, phospholipid-dependent, serine-and threonine-specific enzyme. PKC...
    Cat# abx028191-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Inha inhibins and activins inhibit and activate, respectively, the secretion of follitropin by...
    Cat# abx030953-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Component of the MRN complex, which plays a central role in double-strand break (DSB) repair,...
    Cat# abx030862-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Irak3 inhibits dissociation of IRAK1 and IRAK4 from the Toll-like receptor signaling complex by...
    Cat# abx027920-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Phosphorylates inhibitors of NF-kappa-B thus leading to the dissociation of the...
    Cat# abx027940-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Sin3a acts as a transcriptional repressor. Interacts with MXI1 to repress MYC responsive genes...
    Cat# abx030861-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Tssk6 is required for sperm production and function. Plays a role in DNA condensation during...
    Cat# abx027952-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Pdk3 inhibits the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by phosphorylation of the E1...
    Cat# abx027930-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Probable transcriptional regulator involved in developmental processes. May act as a...
    Cat# abx030983-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • PSP Belongs to the BPI/LBP/Plunc superfamily. Plunc family. Note: This description may include...
    Cat# abx011413-100UL, 100 µl USD $420.5 Ask
  • May be the important intermediate by which p53/TP53 mediates its role as an inhibitor of...
    Cat# abx034761-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • May act as an oxidative stress mediator by inhibiting thioredoxin activity or by limiting its...
    Cat# abx031399-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Snrk may play a role in hematopoietic cell proliferation or differentiation. Potential mediator...
    Cat# abx029795-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Probable serine/threonine kinase (By similarity).
    Cat# abx029532-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • This receptor is controlled by G proteins. Inward rectifier potassium channels are characterized...
    Cat# abx030438-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 and neurotrophin-4/5 but...
    Cat# abx027692-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • MOGT2 catalyzes the formation of diacylglycerol from 2-monoacylglycerol and fatty acyl-CoA. It...
    Cat# abx026159-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Plays a role in T-cell development and lymphocyte activation. Essential for TCR-mediated IL-2...
    Cat# abx028583-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Enhances caspase-9-mediated apoptosis. Induces NF-kappa-B activity via RIPK2 and IKK-gamma....
    Cat# abx030859-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Stress-activated, pro-apoptotic kinase which, following caspase-cleavage, enters the nucleus and...
    Cat# abx028594-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Mcm2 acts as a factor that allows the DNA to undergo a single round of replication per cell...
    Cat# abx030858-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in regulating M phase functions during the cell cycle....
    Cat# abx028234-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Involved in the specific phosphorylation of microtubule-associated proteins for tau, MAP2 and...
    Cat# abx027926-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Inhibits the basal activity of Jun kinase. Negatively regulated by epidermal growth factor...
    Cat# abx029445-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Signaling adapter that couples activated growth factor receptors to signaling pathway. Isoform...
    Cat# abx031129-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Pcp2 may function as a cell-type specific modulator for G protein-mediated cell signaling. This...
    Cat# abx032812-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • The function of this protein remains unknown.
    Cat# abx030930-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • FLJ25006 likely exerts a protein serine/threonine kinase activity.
    Cat# abx027949-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Tssk6 is required for sperm production and function. Plays a role in DNA condensation during...
    Cat# abx027952-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Phosphorylates KHDRBS2, KHDRBS3 and STAP2/BKS (By similarity). Phosphorylates KHDRBS1. May...
    Cat# abx028419-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Rab17 might be involved in transcellular transport.
    Cat# abx030499-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Pxk binds to and modulates brain Na, K-ATPase subunits ATP1B1 and ATP1B3 and may thereby...
    Cat# abx027842-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • This is a calcium-activated, phospholipid-dependent, serine-and threonine-specific enzyme. May...
    Cat# abx027933-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • TRPV3 belongs to a family of nonselective cation channels that function in a variety of...
    Cat# abx027918-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Phosphorylates MAP kinase p38. Seems to be active only in mitosis. May also play a role in the...
    Cat# abx031013-80UL, 80 µl USD $326.25 Ask
  • Tyrosine kinase of the non-receptor type, involved in the interleukin-2 and interleukin-4...
    Cat# abx027921-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Transcription factor that acts as a cardiac regulator and an effector of alpha1-adrenergic...
    Cat# abx034649-80UL, 80 µl USD $290.0 Ask
  • Tp53rk is a protein kinase that phosphorylates 'Ser-15' of p53/TP53 protein and may therefore...
    Cat# abx027946-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Functions in cytoplasmic mRNA decay. As part of the Pan nuclease complex, recruits...
    Cat# abx027694-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask
  • Galactose-specific lectin which binds IgE. May mediate with the alpha-3, beta-1 integrin the...
    Cat# abx030934-400UL, 400 µl USD $601.75 Ask