Labshake Marketplace
Products from Amerigo Scientific:
1 - 50 of 199 4 4' Bi 7H benz de anthracene 7 7' dione from Amerigo Scientific
Cat# DN-2563, 10 mg; 25 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# DN-2561, 10 mg; 25 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-4589, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-9178, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-4586, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-9171, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-9176, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-9173, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
The RNU1-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4036201.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_004424 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHD1-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2434401.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_001019 (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD115-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4477601.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003299.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# RP-2313, 10 mg; 100 mg; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
The Krtap16-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2613901.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_028621 (Mouse), Inquire Ask
Cat# DN-4567, 100 mg; 500 mg; 1 g, Inquire Ask
The IGKV3-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2465501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000834 (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP4-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2619101.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC126421; 1.0 μg DNA, NM_029613, Inquire Ask
The IGHV3-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2447001.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_001019 (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD114-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4472801.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003199.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP9-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2622201.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV3OR15-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2448101.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD113-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4469701.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003235.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGKV3D-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2466201.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000833 (Human), Inquire Ask
The RNU6-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4049501.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGLV3-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2473801.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000002 (Human), Inquire Ask
The ERVH-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 1946901.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV3OR16-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2449001.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGKV2OR2-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2464401.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_011671 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# DN-1143, 100 mg; 500 mg; 1 g, Inquire Ask
The SNORD116-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4480601.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003322 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# RP-2314, 10 mg; 100 mg; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
The KRTAP19-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2615001.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC103838 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# DDN-3864, 100 mg, Inquire Ask
The KRTAP5-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2620401.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# DN-1145, 100 mg; 500 mg; 1 g, Inquire Ask
The KRTAP10-7 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2611801.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC119643 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# RP-2312, 10 mg; 100 mg; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# DDN-1863, 100 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# BS-1011, 1 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-7101, 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# RP-1021, 1 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-7301, 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-1354, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-1339, 50 µmol; 100 µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-1146, 50 µmol; 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-4815, 50 µmol; 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-4857, 50 µmol; 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
ZtA6 cells are derived from spontaneous tumor-like hypertropheied testis isolated from...Cat# T2606, 1x106 cells/ml, Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-6434, 1 g; 5 g, Inquire Ask