Labshake Marketplace
Products from Amerigo Scientific:
301 - 350 of 1025 5 Bromo 2 Tert Butyldimethylsilyl 4 Methylthiazole from Amerigo Scientific
Cat# PM-5862, 1 g; 5 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# NTP-4346, 1 mg; 2 mg; 5 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-9506-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
(Columbia Agar Base with 5% Sheep Blood) For the cultivation of microorganisms.Cat# A16, package of 10, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2505-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-1484, 1 g; 5 g; 10 g; 100 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2501-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2513-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2509-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-3354-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2512-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2516-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2507-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
(Tryptic Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood) For the cultivation of microorganisms.Cat# L12, package of 20, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2506-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2508-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2515-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# NTP-4344, 1 mg; 2 mg; 5 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2510-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Galα1-3(Fucα1-2)Galβ1-4(Fucα1-2)GlcCat# GLY165-90%, 5 mg; 25 mg; 100 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2514-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Galα1-3(Fucα1-2)Galβ1-4(Fucα1-2)GlcCat# GLY165-80%, 5 mg; 100 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-5861, 1 g; 5 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-1643, 1 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2502-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2511-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-5863, 1 g; 5 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-2503-CE, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Store at an ambient temperatureCat# 91-700-12, 1 Unit, Inquire Ask
The IGLV3-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2473601.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000002 (Human), Inquire Ask
The NKX2-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 3188301.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_023504 (Human); 1.0 μg DNA, NM_023504 (Mouse), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP20-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2616101.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_023342 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGKV2-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2462501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000834 (Human), Inquire Ask
The carotenoids are prepared either by extraction from natural sources or by chemical synthesis....Cat# No. 1013, 1 mg; 5 x 1 mg; 5mg, Inquire Ask
The ERVE-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 1945801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD114-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4472501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003196.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The ERVH-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 1946601.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGKV2OR22-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2464801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The RNU1-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4035901.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_004421 (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP9-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2621901.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC121094 (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP4-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2618801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The Krtap16-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2613701.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_130873 (Mouse), Inquire Ask
The IGKV1OR-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2460001.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP10-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2611501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC125048; 1.0 μg DNA, NM_001135991, Inquire Ask
The KRTAP5-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2620101.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_015809 (Human); 1.0 μg DNA, NM_015809 (Mouse), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP12-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2612501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC125198 (Human), Inquire Ask
The RNU6-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4046201.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV1OR15-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2441601.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The ERVW-4 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 1948201.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask