Labshake Marketplace
Products from Amerigo Scientific:
51 - 100 of 873 2 Bromo 6 methylpyridine 4 boronic acid pinacol ester from Amerigo Scientific
The KRTAP9-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2622101.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD114-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4472701.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003198.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD113-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4469601.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003234.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGLV3-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2473701.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000002 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV3OR16-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2448901.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV3-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2446301.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_001019 (Human), Inquire Ask
The RNU1-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4036101.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_030723 (Human), Inquire Ask
Cord blood iPSCs induced with non-viral EBNA1-based episomal vector pEV-SFFV-OS and...Cat# T2015, Vial, Inquire Ask
The IGKV1-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2458001.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NG_000834 (Human), Inquire Ask
The SNORD115-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 4477501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NR_003298.1 (Human), Inquire Ask
The IGHV1OR15-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2441801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP4-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2619001.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_026834 (Human); 1.0 μg DNA, NM_026834 (Mouse), Inquire Ask
The NKX2-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 3188501.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_001136271; 1.0 μg DNA, NM_010920; 1.0 μg DNA, NM_001127653, Inquire Ask
Cat# CLP-9780, 50 µmol; 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
The IGKV1OR2-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2460801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP10-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2611701.0, 1.0 μg DNA, NM_198688 (Human), Inquire Ask
The RNU6-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 4048401.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The ERVH-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method) between...Cat# 1946801.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP5-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2620301.0, 1.0 μg DNA, BC130399 (Human), Inquire Ask
The KRTAP19-6 ORF Vector holds the gene (cloned by a restriction enzyme-independent method)...Cat# 2614901.0, 1.0 μg DNA (Human), Inquire Ask
Cat# PM-4791, 1 g; 5 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# ANP-4702, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# BS-1011, 1 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-9985-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
This carotenoid product is prepared upon special request. Please inquire for prices, purity and...Cat# No. 0020.1, , Inquire Ask
Cat# CLP-6641, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# RP-1021, 1 g, Inquire Ask
This carotenoid product is prepared upon special request. Please inquire for prices, purity and...Cat# No. 0020.2, , Inquire Ask
Cat# N-4705-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-7362-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-4705-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-9921-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-9921-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-7362-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
The carotenoids are prepared either by extraction from natural sources or by chemical synthesis....Cat# No. 1007, 1 mg; 5 x 1 mg; 5mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-4704-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-4704-10, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Acidic human milk oligosaccharides Synonyms: 6'SLCat# GLY089-85%, 100 mg; 150 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg; 1000 mg; 5000 mg, Inquire Ask
ZtA6 cells are derived from spontaneous tumor-like hypertropheied testis isolated from...Cat# T2605, 1x106 cells/ml, Inquire Ask
Acidic human milk oligosaccharides Synonyms: 6'SLCat# GLY089-95%, 100 mg; 150 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg; 1000 mg; 5000 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# CLP-1553, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
Cat# CLP-1563, 100 µmol; 250 mg, Inquire Ask
This carotenoid product is prepared upon special request. Please inquire for prices, purity and...Cat# No. 0133.1.x, , Inquire Ask
Cat# DN-1147, 100 mg; 500 mg; 1 g, Inquire Ask
Cat# N-9986-05, 100 mg; 1 g; pack 4: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol; pack 10: 0.2µmol, 1.0µmol, Inquire Ask
Neu5Acα2-3Galβ1-3GalNAcβ1-3Galα1-4Galβ1-4Glc-NAc-CH2-(1.4-Tz)-(CH2)2-EG3-NH2Cat# GLY131-NAc-sp1-NH2, 1 mg; 5 mg, Inquire Ask
For use in determining the nitrate reduction reaction of bacteria, other than Mycobacterium...Cat# Z71, 15ml, Inquire Ask
Cat# DOX2, , Inquire Ask
HardyDisk™ Caffeic Acid Disks detect the ability of an organism to produce the enzyme...Cat# Z118, 25 disks per pack, Inquire Ask