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Products from Creative Enzymes:

251 - 300 of 1313 Recombinant Human C mer Proto Oncogene Tyrosine Kinase from Creative Enzymes

  • dATP can replace ATP; and dihydrostreptomycin, streptidine and2-deoxystreptidine can act as acceptors.
    Cat# EXWM-3102, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3054, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme is activated by osmotic shock. Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5, 1D-myo-inositol diphosphate...
    Cat# EXWM-3206, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Product rapidly cyclizes to 5-oxoproline and phosphate.
    Cat# EXWM-3169, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • 2'-Deoxyguanosine can also act as acceptor. Possibly identical with EC deoxycytidine kinase.
    Cat# EXWM-3105, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The enzyme, characterized from Gram-positive bacteria, is involved in the regulation of the...
    Cat# EXWM-3166, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • One mammalian isoform is known.
    Cat# EXWM-2968, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The prokaryotic cytidine monophosphate kinase specifically phosphorylates CMP (or dCMP), using...
    Cat# EXWM-3207, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • ADP can also act as donor.
    Cat# EXWM-3199, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This family of enzymes can phosphorylate both Ser/Thr and Tyr residues.
    Cat# EXWM-3161, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The enzyme is highly specific for GalNAc as substrate, but has slight activity with D-galactose....
    Cat# EXWM-2986, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Also phosphorylates dihydrostreptomycin, 3'-deoxydihydrostreptomycin and their 6-phosphates.
    Cat# EXWM-3117, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The bacterial enzyme also acts on D-glucose.
    Cat# EXWM-3089, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • AMP can also act as acceptor.
    Cat# EXWM-3192, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This eukaryotic enzyme is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyses the phosphorylation of both CMP...
    Cat# EXWM-3195, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Activated by tubulin. Involved in the formation of paired helical filaments, which are the main...
    Cat# EXWM-3146, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The enzyme is involved in the de novo synthesis of adenosylcobalamin. It is specific for ATP and...
    Cat# EXWM-3008, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Involved in synthesis of membrane phospholipids and the neutral lipid triacylglycerol. Activity...
    Cat# EXWM-2953, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Involved with EC (acyl-[acyl-carrier- protein]-UDP-N-acetylglucosamine...
    Cat# EXWM-2965, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Requires Ca2+ or Mg2+ for activity. Involved in synthesis of membrane phospholipids and the...
    Cat# EXWM-3005, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3197, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Activation of cyclin-dependent kinases requires association of the enzyme with a regulatory...
    Cat# EXWM-3142, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The deoxypyrimidine kinase complex induced by Herpes simplex virus catalyses this reaction as...
    Cat# EXWM-2958, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The enzyme from yeast and human also has the activity of EC (ribosylnicotinamide kinase).
    Cat# EXWM-3004, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The deoxypyrimidine kinase complex induced by Herpes simplex virus catalyses this reaction as...
    Cat# EXWM-2957, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Simultaneously dephosphorylates and activates EC pyruvate kinase, that has been...
    Cat# EXWM-3653, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Many nucleoside diphosphates can act as acceptors, while many ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside...
    Cat# EXWM-3216, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Many nucleotides can act as acceptors; other nucleoside triphosphates can act instead of ATP.
    Cat# EXWM-3215, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3095, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3168, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3170, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Acts on the acetyl and glycolyl derivatives.
    Cat# EXWM-3091, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • This enzyme belongs to the family of transferases, specifically those transferring...
    Cat# EXWM-3171, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The human phosphoadenosine-phosphosulfate synthase (PAPSS) system is a bifunctional enzyme...
    Cat# EXWM-3055, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The enzyme from Allochromatium vinosum contains covalently bound FAD and covalently-bound c-type hemes.
    Cat# EXWM-1656, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • A 24 kDa hemorrhagic endopeptidase from the venom of the western diamondback rattlesnake...
    Cat# EXWM-4324, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Formed from pig chymotrypsinogen C, and from cattle subunit II of procarboxypeptidase A. Reacts...
    Cat# EXWM-4119, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • A carboxypeptidase with optimum pH 4.5-6.0, inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate, and...
    Cat# EXWM-4059, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • From the larva of a warble fly, Hypoderma lineatum. Little action on small molecule substrates...
    Cat# EXWM-4142, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The bacterial enzyme, which is a zinc protein, also acts on sphingomyelin and...
    Cat# EXWM-3718, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • In enzymology, a tyrosine decarboxylase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical...
    Cat# NATE-0420, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Native DPPIV is a ubiquitous type II transmembrane glycoprotein and a serine protease of the S9...
    Cat# NATE-0204, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Full-length recombinant human neutrophil pro-collagenase (MMP-8), latent form. Matrix...
    Cat# NATE-0862, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Matrix metalloproteinases are members of a unique family of proteolytic enzymes that have a zinc...
    Cat# NATE-0863, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Caspase-6 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CASP6 gene. This gene encodes a protein...
    Cat# NATE-0814, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • SOD2 is part of the iron/manganese superoxide dismutase family. It encodes a mitochondrial...
    Cat# NATE-1658, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) is an enzyme that catalyzes step 8 of glycolysis. It catalyzes the...
    Cat# NATE-1647, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) methylates nicotinamide and other pyridine containing...
    Cat# NATE-1656, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • The expressed caspase-9 spontaneously undergoes autoprocessing to yield the subunits...
    Cat# NATE-0816, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask
  • Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) constitute a family of structurally related enzymes which...
    Cat# NATE-0913, 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing Ask