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Citations for Qiagen :
751 - 800 of 3116 citations for 1 2 Dihydro 1 2 tetrahydro 2H pyran 2 yl oxy ethyl 5H tetrazole 5 thione d4 since 2020
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Immunology 2020Quote: SARS-CoV-2 ELISA was developed in-house using His tagged proteins bound on Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips or Plates (Qiagen). ELISA assay on mouse sera were performed with His-tagged SARS-CoV-2 full length Spike protein (produced in baculovirus ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2020Quote: ... HEK293T cells in 6-well plates were transfected with 2 μg pIRES2-eGFP or Trim-HA-NUP153 derivatives using Effectene (Qiagen). At 24 h post-transfection ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2020Quote: ... RNA concentration and purity were measured by a spectrophotometer and 2 ug were used to synthesize cDNA by QuantiTect Reverse Transcription kit (Qiagen). Real-time amplification was performed in a Mastercycler EP Realplex (Eppendorf ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2021Quote: ... Mosquito bodies and legs and wings were put into a 2 ml round-bottom tubes containing 250 ml of PBS and a steel ball (Qiagen). Samples were homogenized using a TissueLyser (Qiagen ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2021Quote: ... in Tris/HCl/Ca+2 buffer was subjected to extraction in house using the silica method or QIAamp viral RNA mini kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2021Quote: ... The specimens were gently and quickly homogenized using a BioMasher II homogenizer (Funakoshi) and mixed with 2 mL of Buffer G2 (QIAGEN), including 200 µg/mL RNase A and 50 µL proteinase K (20 mg/mL) ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2021Quote: ... Lysates were clarified by centrifugation at 24,000g at 4°C for 20 min and passed through 2 mL of Ni-NTA nickel resin (Qiagen, 30250) pre-equilibrated with wash buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0 ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2021Quote: ... Amplification was confirmed by running samples on a 2% agarose gel prior to PCR Clean up (QiaQuick PCR Purification kit, Qiagen). Samples were Sanger sequenced (Source Bioscience ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2021Quote: Viral RNA was isolated from rhesus macaque plasma from 2 weeks post-SIV infection using an Ultrasense Viral RNA kit (QIAGEN) and cDNA was reverse transcribed using the Applied Biosystems High Capacity cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo-Fisher) ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2020Quote: ... RT-qPCR was performed with a primer set targeting partial regions of the ORF1b gene in the SARS-CoV-2 virus using the QIAGEN OneStep RT-PCR kit (Qiagen) as previously reported (51) ...
bioRxiv - Genetics 2021Quote: ... frozen and lyophilised in a 2 ml 96 deep-well plate following which the samples were ground in the TissueLyser II (QIAGEN) using a steel ball in each well for 4-6 minutes at a frequency of 25 Hz ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2021Quote: ... All plugs were incubated twice (2 hours incubation followed by an overnight incubation) at 50 °C with freshly prepared 167 μl Proteinase K (Qiagen) in 2.5 ml lysis buffer (BioNano Genomics ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2020Quote: ... aseptic LS007 shoot tissue was ground under liquid nitrogen using a mortar and pestle and resuspended in 2 mL of AP1 (Qiagen) with 20 µl of RNase I (Qiagen) ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2020Quote: ... and Consensus Sequence generation RNA was extracted from eight respiratory samples positive for SARS-CoV-2 using the QIAmp Viral RNA Mini kit (Qiagen). Sequencing was performed as described previously (11) ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2021Quote: ... The PCR products with sizes from 150 bp to 300 bp were extracted from 2% agarose gel using MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen).
bioRxiv - Pathology 2023Quote: ... DNA was extracted after routine paraffin embedding (2 sections of 20 μm per sample) from 10 canine tumors (DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit, Cat. No.69504, Qiagen; Veterinary Science Dept ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... ATAC-seq libraries were resolved on 2% agarose gels and fragments ranging in size from 100bp-1Kbp were excised and purified (Qiagen Minelute Gel Extraction Kit – Qiagen Cat#28604) ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... samples were transferred from DNA/RNA Shield – Lysis Tube to a 2 ml eppendorf and cells lysed using a TissueLyser II (Qiagen) at maximum speed (5 repetitions of 1 min with 1 min on ice between each) ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2023Quote: ... the cell lysate was cleared by centrifugation (20L000 rpm, 30 minutes, 4 °C) and purified using Ni+2-affinity chromatography (Ni-NTA superflow cartridges, Qiagen). Typically two 5 mL columns (flow 5 mL/min ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... The homogenate was treated overnight with proteinase K (2 mg/ mL) at 56 °C and DNA was extracted using the MagAttract PowerSoil DNA EP Kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2023Quote: ... the eluted DNA samples were run on a 2% agarose gel and the 280bp band purified using the QIAquick Gel extraction kit (QIAGEN). Illumina libraries were generated from 10 ng of DNA ...
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: 7-day old in vitro grown plantlets or adult leaves of soil grown 3-4 week-old plants were ground in 2 mL tubes using a Tissue Lyser (Qiagen) twice for 30 sec at 30 Hz before RNA extraction using the RNeasy Plant Mini kit (Qiagen) ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2023Quote: ... Approximately 1 μg of small RNAs in 8.5 μl were incubated with 2 μl of QIAseq FastSelect –rRNA Yeast Kit (Qiagen, #334215) at 75°C ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2023Quote: Purified CD4+FYP+ Treg cells were stimulated with Cell Stimulation Cocktail (eBioscience) for 2 hrs and lysed in RLT buffer (Qiagen) containing 1% 2-mercaptoethanol (Thermo Fisher Scientific) ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2023Quote: ... Crystals were grown at 30°C by the hanging drop vapor diffusion method using 2 μL sample drops and 300 μL crystallization solution in a sealed chamber (EasyXtal 15-Well Tool, Qiagen). Crystals were soaked for 1h (for the Na structure or with the dibromo Intronistat B derivative ...
bioRxiv - Physiology 2022Quote: Assessment of differential expression was conducted on the mapped reads of the 2 previously mentioned pipelines using 2 methods for comparison: the EDGE method with default settings in CLC Genomics Workbench 12 (QIAGEN) and EdgeR (version 3.34.0) ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... Pathway analysis was performed for genes 2-fold up- or down-regulated with p-value < 0.05 using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software (Qiagen, USA).
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2022Quote: ... SARS-CoV-2 RNA from cell culture supernatant samples was isolated using AVL buffer and the QIAamp Viral RNA Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2022Quote: ... The mixture was incubated at 16°C for 2 h and the resulting double-stranded DNA was purified using the MinElute PCR Purification kit (Qiagen) with 20μl EB for elution ...
bioRxiv - Systems Biology 2022Quote: 2 × 109 cells pretreated with TRIzol reagent were used for preparing RNA reference materials using RNeasy Maxi kit (Qiagen, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Pharmacology and Toxicology 2022Quote: ... commercially available cDNAs originating from various human tissues were purchased from TaKaRa (detailed sample information is given in Table S3) and 2 ng of cDNA were subjected to quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis (Rotor-Gene Q, Qiagen), as recommended by the manufacturers ...
bioRxiv - Pharmacology and Toxicology 2022Quote: SARS-CoV-2 RNA from cell culture supernatant samples was isolated using AVL buffer and the QIAamp Viral RNA Kit (QIAGEN) according to the manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: 3×106 cells from the day 8 of CD34+ HSPC and day 6 of HUDEP-2 erythroid differentiation were used for total RNA using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). For reverse transcription using Primescript RT reagent kit (Takara Bio Inc.) ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2024Quote: ... 10 Arabidopsis seedlings from the same MS plate were sampled together in 2 mL microtubes containing two 3 mm-diameter tungsten carbide beads (Qiagen), and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2024Quote: ... treated with our LRA panel in the presence or absence of KL-2 was carried out with an RNeasy kit (Qiagen), with the optional on-column deoxyribonuclease I digestion step ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2024Quote: ... The swabs were removed after heat incubation at 56 °C for 2 hours by transferring samples including swab material to QIAshredder tubes (Qiagen) and centrifugation at 12,000 rcf for 2 min.
bioRxiv - Genetics 2023Quote: ... Digests were incubated for 2 hours at 37°C then purified using a QiaQuick PCR purification kit (Qiagen Cat#28106). Fragments of 2100 bp were size-selected using a SageELF instrument (Sage Science ...
bioRxiv - Genetics 2023Quote: Total RNA was extracted from 2-week-old seedlings grown on an MS plate using RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Genetics 2023Quote: Genomic DNA of subclones from a 12-well plate along with 2 million parental cells were extracted using DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN) following the manufacturer’s instructions ...
bioRxiv - Pathology 2023Quote: ... RNA from CD4+ T cells (2×106 cells per condition) was extracted by using the RNeasy Plus Mini kit (QIAGEN). Extracted total RNA was quantified using the Qubit broad range RNA assay ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: ... with 0.9 x tissue mass of lysis buffer (1x RIPA buffer with 2% SDS and 2x protease inhibitor cocktail) and TissueRuptor II (Qiagen) homogenization ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: ... 100 mg of frozen brain was taken per mouse sample and lysed with 0.9 x tissue mass of lysis buffer (1x RIPA buffer with 2% SDS and 2x protease inhibitor cocktail) and was homogenised using a TissueRuptor II (Qiagen). Zebrafish larvae were similarly extracted ...
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2023Quote: Bulk-RNA free of genomic DNA for RT-qPCR analysis was extracted from cell pellets (≤ 2 x 106 cells) using the RNeasy plus spin-column purification kit (Qiagen) and performed using the Qiacube liquid handler (Qiagen ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... Cells were sorted directly into 2-Mercaptoethanol-containing RLT buffer and RNA was extracted using a RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen). The cell populations used for RNA sequencing are summarized in Table S1 ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... Pellets were washed in 2 mL cold 10 mM NaCl + 4 mL cold RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent (Qiagen Cat. No. 76506) and repelletted at 4,255 x g ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... preceded by a 10-minute bead-beating step at 30 Hz in 2 ml e-matrix tubes (MP Biomedical, USA) using a Tissuelyser II (Qiagen). Molarity and fragment-length distribution of the extracts were measured using a Tapestation ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2023Quote: ... Tumours were harvested 2-3 weeks after transplantation and genomic DNA was extracted from tumours using the Gentra Puregene DNA Extraction kit (QIAGEN).
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2023Quote: Total RNA was isolated from kidneys of three independent biological samples for each age (E17.5, 2 months) and genotype using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen 74104) with on-column DNAse I treatment ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2023Quote: ... The soluble extracts were applied to 2 ml columns of nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose (Ni-NTA) (QIAGEN catalogue no. 30210) that had been equilibrated with lysis buffer ...
bioRxiv - Genomics 2023Quote: Total DNA from enhancer screening library transduced HUDEP-2 cells was isolated using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen, 69504) and the enhancer inserts were PCR amplified using the following primers: