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Citations for Olympus :
651 - 697 of 697 citations for N Furan 2 ylmethyl 3 bromo 4 fluoro benzamide since 2020
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2020Quote: ... IHCs were visualized with fixed stage microscopes (Examiner or Axioskop 2 FS Plus, both Zeiss, Germany or BX50WI and BX51, Olympus, Japan) equipped with 63x/1.0 DIC (Zeiss ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2021Quote: ... P1-488PM-FC-2) before being focused on the back focal plane of a 1.45 NA oil objective (UAPON 150XOTIRF, Olympus America Inc.). TIRF excitation of the sample was achieved by translating the laser close to the edge of the objective back aperture ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2021Quote: ... The number of cells was counted manually in 10 fields at 200× under a light microscope (BH-2; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: Cell outlines were stained with 50 µg/ml propidium iodide for 2 min and observed under a confocal laser-scanning microscope (Olympus FV3000) with helium-neon laser excitation at 543 nm ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... Cell viability images (figures 2 and 5) were acquired with an inverted microscope (Etaluma LS720) with a 4x phase contrast objective (Olympus, UPLFLN4XIPC) inside an incubator ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... Filled neurons green (dnKv4.2-negative) and green/red (dnKv4.2-positive) were imaged at multiple Z-planes using a two-photon microscope (Olympus FV1000-MPE) with a multiimmersion objective lens (ULTRA 25x ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: Throughout our experiments we quantified host cell abundances with a haemocytometer (0.1 mm deep) under an optical microscope (Olympus BH-2) at the 40X magnification ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... at a flow rate of 2 ml/min and imaged using differential interference contrast under a 40X objective attached to an upright microscope (Olympus BX50). SR101-positive cells in SR were identified in epifluorescence mode via green LED excitation (540 nm broadband ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2023Quote: ... Monolayer integrity was documented every other day from days 2-10 post-infection utilizing a CKX53 inverted microscope (Olympus, Waltham, MA) with the 10x CACHN-IPC objective lens (Olympus ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: Cells in acute POA slices were visualized using a SliceScope upright microscope (Scientifica, UK) equipped with a 40X water immersion objective (U-TV1X-2, Olympus, Japan). Images were acquired by a digital CCD camera (ORCA-R2 C10600-10B ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: ... Z-stack images captured the entire thickness of the section at 1–2 µm steps for images taken with a 20X air (Olympus #UCPLFLN20X) or a 10X air Olympus #UPLXAPO10X ...
bioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2024Quote: LacZ reaction product in 5 μm paraffin sections was viewed on an Olympus BH-2 light microscope (Olympus, Center Valley, PA) and images captured and digitized using an Insight CCT camera (Model 142 Color Mosaic ...
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2024Quote: ... The mounted leaf section was observed at 25°C under red observation light (< 1 µmol m-2 s-1) and snapped per 1 min with a microscope (BX51, Olympus, Japan) equipped with a CMOS camera (DP74 ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: Cells in acute POA slices were visualized using a SliceScope upright microscope (Scientifica, UK) equipped with a 40X water immersion objective (U-TV1X-2, Olympus, Japan). Images were acquired by a digital CCD camera (ORCA-R2 C10600-10B ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2020Quote: ... whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on randomly selected INs in L2/3 and using a 10x objective lens (Olympus, NA 0.3, 1048 x 1960 µm field of view). For light stimulation ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2020Quote: ... Single cells were chosen and imaged every 10 minutes for up to 2 days using a camera (ORCA-R2, Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu, Japan) on a bright-field microscope (IX73, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). The central position of individual cells was automatically determined by ImageJ once the outline of the cells was identified (Supplementary Fig ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... we delivered an optogenetic stimulus train (1 ms, 100 Hz, 100 pulses, 460 nM, 2-5 mW) through a 60X water-immersion objective (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) with CoolLED illumination PE4000 ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... we delivered an optogenetic stimulus train (1 ms, 20 Hz, 50 pulses, 460 nM, 2-5 mW) through a 60X water-immersion objective (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) with CoolLED illumination PE300 ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2020Quote: ... Total cells entering the bottom chamber were counted after 2 hr and representative pictures were taken at Olympus IX73 inverted microscope (Olympus Life Sciences).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2021Quote: ... Neurons in the dorso-medial shell IC were visualized via DIC or Dodt contrast optics using a 40x or 63x objective (Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS Plus or Olympus BXW51 microscope). Neurons were targeted for whole-cell current-clamp recordings with pipettes filled with the same K+-rich internal solution used for in vivo recordings (open tip resistance ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2022Quote: ... V5G+-transduced OTII CD4+ T blasts were placed on the lipid bilayer presenting OVA323–339/I-Ab/with ICAM-1 and immediately imaged for long time periods (∼2 h) by TIRFM (IX-81; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a solid-state laser (488 nm ...
bioRxiv - Animal Behavior and Cognition 2020Quote: ... Stained slides were rinsed twice with distilled water and air dried before observation under a light microscope (10x magnification, Olympus BH-2). Slides were blinded and cross-checked by two independent researchers ...
bioRxiv - Evolutionary Biology 2022Quote: ... Images of the cleared leaves were taken with an OLYMPUS BX43 microscope system equipped with an OLYMPUS DP74 camera at 2× magnification (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Vein length and area size were assessed for six sites at a central region of each leaf bounded by the midvein using phenoVein tools developed from MeVisLab ( ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: Light microscopy images of serially sectioned Bodian-stained brains and were either collected using a Nikon digital camera D5100 with a T-mount NDPL-1 microscope camera adapter (AmScope, Irvine, CA, USA) connected to an Olympus BH-2 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) or with a 5 MP Axiocam 105 color mounted on a Zeiss Axio Observer 7 Inverted Microscope with Apotome 0.2 (Carl Zeiss AG ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2022Quote: ... for 2 min and Giemsa solution (HiMedia Laboratories, Pennsylvania, USA) for 20s and observed under oil immersion at 100 X (Olympus IX51 microscope).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... while the esophagus/stomach from an adult (3 months of age) Runx3Cre;Prox2FlpO;Ai65 (Runx3Tom) mouse was acquired with a 2 x 6 tile scan at 2x zoom (Olympus 1x MVPLAPO1x). The images displayed in Figure 2A are maximum intensity Z-projections of the final fused images ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2024Quote: ... The glass pipette was set to the injector (IM-11-2, Narishige, Tokyo, Japan) on an inverted microscope (IX71, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan); 0.5–2 µL droplets of the culture medium containing sperm packets were placed on a glass-bottom dish (P50G-0-30-F ...
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2023Quote: ... and mounted with clearing solution (chloral hydrate-glycerol-water, 8:1:2) for imaging under a light microscope (BX51, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) as described previously14.
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... Images were acquired as a time series on an XY plane at an interval of 2 sec/frame using a 20X oil objective on an Olympus FV3000 inverted confocal microscope (Olympus Corp., Japan). For optogenetic stimulation of CsChrimson ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... The imaging of the DC was made using a 20x water-immersion objective (LUMPlanFI/IR, 20X, NA: 0.95, WD: 2 mm; Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Since the jRGECO1a calcium indicator was expressed in non-GABAergic and GABAergic neurons ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2024Quote: ... The polyps were stained with PI (2 μg/ml) for 15 min and then observed with a fluorescence microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2020Quote: ... the image was collected by an Olympus 2-photon microscope (FLUOVIEW FVMPE-RS) with 940 nm emission laser using 25X water lens (Olympus XLPLN25XWMP, NA 1.05). A resonate scanner with GaAsP detector was used for image collection at 512×512 resolution with 15 Hz sampling rate ...
bioRxiv - Pharmacology and Toxicology 2021Quote: ... were recorded using a digital camera (MU 1000, AmScope) with a 20 X objective and an IMT-2 inverted microscope (Olympus, Center Valley, PA) connected with the myography chamber ...
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2022Quote: Plasma samples were used diluted 1:2 with deionized water to determine plasma parameters with an AU400 analyzer (Olympus Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) as described 49.
bioRxiv - Plant Biology 2022Quote: ... samples were harvested starting 2 h before the end of the day and used for visualization under confocal microscopy (FLUOVIEW FV3000-Olympus confocal laser microscope). Samples were excited using a 514 nm laser ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2022Quote: ... of the MCAs and PAs in response to transmural pressure from 40 to 180 mmHg and 10 to 60 mmHg, respectively, were recorded by a digital camera (MU 1000, AmScope) mounted on an IMT-2 inverted microscope (Olympus, Center Valley, PA) to access the pressure-diameter relationships.
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology 2023Quote: ... All tissue sections of the groups and control were examined and imaged using a light microscope (Olympus CH-2 Phase Contrast Microscope. Japan)
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2024Quote: Images were obtained with confocal laser scanning microscopes (AX-R, Nikon Corporation; LSM700 and LSM900 with Airyscan 2, Carl Zeiss Microscopy; FV1000, OLYMPUS Life Science) equipped with a CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda D 60x/1.42 Oil (Nikon Corporation) ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2024Quote: ... images were digitized by a color charge-coupled device (CCD) video camera (Sony, Montvale, NJ, USA) mounted on a conventional light microscope (Olympus BH-2; Olympus Company, Tokyo, Japan) using a magnification of 400x ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2024Quote: ... Samples were cleared and mounted in methyl salicylate between 2 coverslips and a metallic spacer for visualization in the confocal microscope (Olympus FV3000; Shinjuku, Japan) The acquired XYZ stacks were processed further in FiJi (ImageJ ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2020Quote: ... 1 μm interval z-stacks of the optic tectum were collected on a custom-built 2-photon microscope (Olympus BX61WI with Olympus FV300 confocal scan head) outfitted with an Olympus 1.0 NA 60x water-immersion objective ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2021Quote: ... the light was coupled into a single-mode fiber (P3-460B-FC-2, Thorlabs) using a 10x objective (RMS10X - 10X Olympus Plan Achromat Objective, Japan). The coupling efficiencies of the 635 nm and 520 nm diode lasers to single-mode fiber were 56% and 42% respectively ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2020Quote: ... the beam is controlled using a 2 – axis galvanometer mirror (Thorlabs, GVS212/M) that conjugates to the back focal plane of the imaging objective (Olympus, 60X, 1,49, oil immersion). The scanning rate of an orthogonal pair of galvanometer mirrors fixed at 3600 Hz (24 scans per cycle ...
bioRxiv - Pharmacology and Toxicology 2022Quote: ... The spontaneous movement of 24 hpf, hatching rate of 96 hpf, heart rate, body length of larvae (Aigo ge-5, China) and deformity rate (Olympus BH-2 dissecting microscope) were recorded ...
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2020Quote: ... The beam then travels through the 150 mm scan lens (Thorlabs AC508-150-B) and a 200 mm tube lens (2 identical lenses, Thorlabs AC508-400-B) to reach the imaging objective (Olympus LUMPLFL 40X Water, NA 0.8), whose back aperture is conjugated to the scanning unit ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2020Quote: ... The movement of the Rab21 vesicles was followed for 2 min using TIRF microscopy (Visitron SD-TIRF Nikon Eclipse TiE with a 60x Olympus TIRF oil objective, NA: 1.49). The average speed of the vesicles was measured in each cell ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2024Quote: ... images were digitized by a color charge-coupled device (CCD) video camera (Sony, Montvale, NJ, USA) mounted on a conventional light microscope (Olympus BH-2; Olympus Company, Tokyo, Japan) using a magnification of 400x ...