Labshake search

Citations for Promega :

4451 - 4451 of 4451 citations for 6 Fluoro 2 hydrazino 1 3 benzothiazole since 2019

Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.

  • Maolin Lu, et al., bioRxiv - Microbiology 2020
    Quote: ... The cells were then incubated at 37 °C in tissue culture incubator for 4 hours or 24 hours before measuring reconstituted HiBiT/LgBiT activity using a Tristar multiwell Luminometer (Berthold Technology, Bad Wildbad, Germany) for 2.5 seconds by adding 20 µl of Nano-Glo® substrate (Promega Inc, WI, USA; diluted 1:40 in PBS). Individual unmixed populations of cells were treated identically and served as controls to determine basal luciferase activity to obtain normalized relative light units ...