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Citations for GE Life Sciences :
2501 - 2507 of 2507 citations for 2 4 Methyl 5 thiazolyl ethyl decanoate since 2020
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2023Quote: ... 300 μM 5’ thiol-modified 18-nt DNA oligonucleotides—comprised of an AAA base sequence and a 15-base secondary probe binding sequence (Eurofins)—were reduced with 50 mM dithiothreitol in PBS at room temperature for 2 hours and purified using NAP5 columns (GE Healthcare 17-0853-01). Maleimide-activated antibodies were then combined with 11 equivalents of the reduced form of the thiol-modified DNA oligonucleotides in PBS and incubated at 4℃ overnight ...
bioRxiv - Immunology 2024Quote: ... Blood was drawn into BD Vacutainer Sodium-Heparin coated tubes and processed within 2 hours by Ficoll density centrifugation (GE Healthcare #17-1440-03).
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2021Quote: ... The slides were dried for 2-3 hours at 30°C and exposed to a Tritium Phosphor Screen (GE Healthcare, Fuji BAS-TR 2025 E) together with calibrated tritium standards (American Radiolabeled Chemicals ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2020Quote: ... In the first step the ENTH-domain was isolated from the soluble cell lysate as GST fusion protein by using GSTrapFF™ 5 ml columns together with the ÄKTAPrime Plus system (GE Healthcare Life Science, Chalfont St Giles, UK). The cell lysate was injected onto the column (0.4 ml/min ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2020Quote: ... were activated by 100 mM DTT for 2 hours at room temperature in the dark and then purified using NAP5 columns (GE Healthcare Life Sciences, 17-0853-02) to remove excessive DTT ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2020Quote: Microsomal protein (2 µg) was separated by 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose blotting membranes (GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Little Chalfont, UK). The membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk (BD Biosciences ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2024Quote: ... and photosynthetic pigments via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; 2 L) were collected on 25-mm diameter GF/F glass microfiber filters (Whatman, GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Chicago, IL, USA) and stored in aluminum foil at −80°C until extraction ...