Labshake Marketplace
Products from Cellvis:
1 - 6 of 6 4 4' Bi 7H benz de anthracene 7 7' dione from Cellvis
35 mm glass bottom dish with 4 chambers, 20mm microwell, #0 cover glass (0.085-0.115mm)....Cat# D35C4-20-0-N, 100/case, $184.00 AskbioRxiv - Developmental Biology 2022Quote: ... were carefully placed in individual wells of the 4 Chamber 35mm glass-bottom dish (Cellvis, Cat #D35C4-20-0-N). The Matrigel cell mixture was carefully applied to the surface of the beads and placed in a pre-equilibrated microscopic chamber maintained at 37◦C and 5% CO2 ...
35 mm glass bottom dish with 4 chambers, 20mm microwell, #1 cover glass (0.13-0.16mm). Designed...Cat# D35C4-20-1-N, 100/case, $184.00 AskbioRxiv - Neuroscience 2023Quote: ... progenitors were plated on 4-chambered live-cell imaging dishes (D35C4-20-1-N Cellvis) that were triple coated (PLO/laminin/fibronectin) ...
35 mm glass bottom dish with 4 chambers, 20mm microwell, #1.5 cover glass (0.16-0.19mm)....Cat# D35C4-20-1.5-N, 100/case, $184.00 AskCited in: iTAP, a novel iRhom interactor, controls TNF secretion by policing the stability of iRhom/TACEbioRxiv - Biochemistry 2018Quote: iRhom1/iRhom2 DKO MEFs stably expressing eGFP-mouse iRhom2 either alone or together with mouse iTAP-mCherry were plated (5 × 104 per well) on 4-chamber glass-bottomed dishes (In Vitro Scientific, D35C4-20-1.5-N) 24 hours prior to imaging ...
4 Well Chambered Cover Glass with #1.5 high performance cover glass (0.170±0.005mm), with lid,...Cat# C4-1.5H-N, 48/case, $219.00 AskbioRxiv - Microbiology 2024Quote: ... within a 4-chamber #1.5 cover glass (Cellvis C4-1.5H-N). Samples were imaged 1h after loading microscopy chambers to allow chitin settling ...
4 Well Chambered Cover Glass with #1.5 high performance cover glass (0.170±0.005mm) with 75mm x...Cat# C4SB-1.5H, 48/case, $219.00 Ask
4 Well Chambered Cover Glass with #1.5 glass-like polymer coverslip (0.175±0.010mm). Tissue...Cat# C4-1.5P, 48/case, $198.00 Ask