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Citations for Cellvis :
1 - 6 of 6 citations for "D35-10-1.5-N" since 2019
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... cells were plated on 35 mm imaging dishes (Cellvis, Cat. #D35-10-1.5-N) for 16-20 hours ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 10mm, #1.5 glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed for...Cat# D35-10-1.5-N, 100/case, $119.00 Ask -
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: HeLa cells were seeded on 35 mm imaging dishes (Cellvis, Cat. #D35-10-1.5-N). 16-20 hours after seeding ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 10mm, #1.5 glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed for...Cat# D35-10-1.5-N, 100/case, $119.00 Ask -
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2020Quote: Cells were seeded at a confluence of 10-15% on glass-bottom dishes (CellVis-D35-10-1.5-N) coated with Type 1 collagen (Corning) ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 10mm, #1.5 glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed for...Cat# D35-10-1.5-N, 100/case, $119.00 Ask -
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2020Quote: ... 12 μl droplet of each mixture was dispensed on the glass well of 35 mm glass bottom dish with a 10 mm well (D35-10-1.5-N, Cellvis). The mixture was spread throughout the well with a pipette tip or spatula and the glass bottom dishes were kept on the bench top for 5 min for even coating of PDMS layer ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 10mm, #1.5 glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed for...Cat# D35-10-1.5-N, 100/case, $119.00 Ask -
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: ... The cell pellet was re-suspended in 200 μL of culture media and plated on 35 mm dishes with a 10 mm glass bottom (D35-10-1.5-N; CellVis, Sunnydale, CA) pre-coated with 10 μg/mL fibronectin (354008 ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35mm, well size 10mm, #1.5 glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed for...Cat# D35-10-1.5-N, 100/case, $119.00 Ask -
bioRxiv - Neuroscience 2021Quote: ... affixed over a hole in a 35mm petri dish (Falcon #351008) or pre-manufactured dishes (Cellvis #D35-10-1.5-N or #D35-20-1.5-N). Culture dishes were flooded with 2mL RDM (no FBS ...
Product cited:
35mm glass bottom dish, dish size 35 mm, well size 20mm, #1.5 cover glass(0.16-0.19mm). Designed...Cat# D35-20-1.5-N, 100/case, $124.00 Ask