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Citations for TriLink BioTechnologies :
1 - 3 of 3 citations for docosyl dihydrogen citrate since 2019
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... An organic phase containing a mixture of lipids dissolved in ethanol at a designated molar ratio (Fig 1C and Supp Table 1) was mixed with an aqueous phase (50 mM citrate buffer, pH 4) containing Luciferase mRNA (TriLink) at a flow rate ratio of 1:3 and at a total lipid/mRNA weight ratio of 40:1 in a microfluidic mixing device (NanoAssemblr Ignite ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2024Quote: ... was mixed with an aqueous phase (50 mM citrate buffer, pH 4) containing 5moU modified Luciferase mRNA (unless otherwise stated) that was purchased from TriLink Biotechnologies ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... was mixed with an aqueous phase (50 mM citrate buffer, pH 4) containing Luciferase mRNA that was either purchased by TriLink (most experiments) or made in-house via in vitro transcription (IVT)40 at a flow rate ratio of 1:3 and at a total lipid/mRNA weight ratio of 40:1 in a microfluidic mixing device (NanoAssemblr Ignite ...