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Citations for ProteoGenix :

1 - 3 of 3 citations for Mouse BEX1 shRNA Plasmid since 2019

Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.

  • Angelita Simonetti, et al., bioRxiv - Molecular Biology 2020
    Quote: ... was generated by PCR amplification extended on its 3′-end with a 5′-(CAA)9CAC-3′ tail from plasmid containing the gene synthetized by Proteogenix. The PCR product purification and in vitro transcription of mouse H4–12 mRNA were performed as described for the preparation of β-globin mRNA ...
  • Vincent Saillant, et al., bioRxiv - Microbiology 2020
    Quote: ... PhrtBA P2* and PhrtBA P1*, P2*, cloned into pUC plasmid (pUC-VS1, pUC-VS2 and pUC-VS3, Table S1) (Proteogenix, France) that were used as templates to PCR amplify the promoter region DNA variants with the primer pairs (O21-O22 ...
  • Allison H. Williams, et al., bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2019
    Quote: ... and 1548 (codon 516) (starting at ATG) and was cloned into the vector pUC57 to generate the recombinant plasmid pUC57ltgA (ProteoGenix, Schiltigheim, France). The ltgA fragment was amplified using the primer pair NMF1/NMR1 from the plasmid pUC57ltgA and from the strain MC58 ...