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Citations for Quantifoil Micro Tools :
701 - 717 of 717 citations for 3 1 3 Dioxan 2 yl 3' methoxypropiophenone since 2020
Citations are collected from bioRxiv only, the total number of publications could be much larger.
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2024Quote: ... 3.5 μL of this protein-DNA mix were applied to 300-mesh copper R2/1 Quantifoil Holey Carbon Grids (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH) that had been freshly glow discharged for 30 seconds at 25 mA in a GloQube Glow Discharge System (Quorum Technologies ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2023Quote: 4 ul of Nannochloropsis suspensions (4 x 107 cells mL−1) were pipetted onto a 300 mesh gold Quantifoil grid with 2um holes (Quantifoil Micro Tools, GmbH) and manually blotted from the opposite side in a Vitrobot Mark IV (ThermoFisher Scientific ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2022Quote: ... 5 µl of bacteria diluted to OD = 0.15 in PBS were deposited on a glow-discharged Quantifoil R2/1 holey carbon grids (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH, Germany) and 3 µl gold particles (10 nm BSA tracer ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... three microliters of concentrated phage particles were added to a freshly glow-discharged Quantifoil R2/1 grid (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH, Großlöbicha, Germany) and plunge-frozen with a Vitrobot Mk IV into a 50:50 mixture of liquid ethane:propane52
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2022Quote: Three-microliter aliquots of all AdSDV capsid populations (~1 mg/mL) were applied to glow-discharged Quantifoil holey carbon grids with a thin layer of carbon (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH) and vitrified using a Vitrobot Mark IV (FEI ...
bioRxiv - Pharmacology and Toxicology 2024Quote: ... were applied to glow-discharged (25 mA, 10 s) QuantiFoil Gold R 0.6/1 300-mesh holey carbon grids (QuantiFoil, Micro Tools GmbH, Germany), blotted for 4.5 s ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2021Quote: ... 5 µl of the cell suspension was placed on freshly glow-discharged (for ∼25 s) holey carbon grids (Quantifoil Cu R2/1, 200 mesh). The grids were front blotted with Whatman filter paper and rapidly frozen in liquid ethane ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: 4 µl aliquots of purified samples at A280 = 1 were applied onto glow-discharged holey carbon-coated grids (Quantifoil 300 mesh, Au R1.2/1.3), then adsorbed for 10 s ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2020Quote: Samples were prepared for CryoEM by applying 5 μl freshly purified Cx46/50-lipid nanodisc complex (∼2.5 mg mL-1) to a glow-discharged holey carbon grid (Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3, 400 mesh) for 10 seconds ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2023Quote: ... 3.0 µl aliquots at a concentration of 0.87 or 1.0 mg/ml of the spikeD614G-binder sample or the spikeOmicron-binder sample were applied onto glow-discharged carbon-coated copper grids (Quantifoil R2/1, 400 mesh), blotted for 4.0-8.0 s ...
Cryo-EM structure of a eukaryotic zinc transporter at a low pH suggests its Zn2+-releasing mechanismbioRxiv - Biochemistry 2022Quote: ... and 3 μl of the protein solution was applied to glow-discharged (45 s) Quantifoil R2/1 300-mesh gold grids (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH, Germany). The grids were blotted with standard Vitrobot filter paper for 2.5 s at 4 °C under 100% humidity and plunged into liquid ethane using a Vitrobot Mark IV (Thermo Fisher Scientific) ...
bioRxiv - Biochemistry 2023Quote: ... 3 μl of protein at a concentration of approximately 10 mg ml−1 were loaded onto glow-discharged holey carbon grids (Quantifoil Au 300 mesh R1.2/1.3 or Quantifoil Cu/Rh 300 mesh R1.2/1.3), after which ...
bioRxiv - Cell Biology 2022Quote: ... 3 μL of ∼100 nM (A260 4.0 or 6.0) mitoribosome sample was applied onto a glow-discharged (20 mA for 30 sec) holey-carbon grid (Quantifoil R2/1 copper, mesh 300) coated with continuous carbon (of ∼3 nm thickness ...
bioRxiv - Bioengineering 2024Quote: ... LCNP or EV suspensions in PBS (∼1 × 1012 particles/mL) were deposited on 300-mesh lacey carbon-coated copper grids (Quantifoil Micro Tools GmbH, Germany). The grids were previously glow-discharged for 45 s using an Emitech K100X glow discharge system (Quorum Technologies Ltd. ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2020Quote: Three microliters of the apoferritin samples with 1.5 mg/ml or 0.2 mg/ml were applied onto glow-discharged 200-mesh R2/1 Quantifoil grids (used for the K3 dataset) or 200-mesh R2/1 Quantifoil grids coated with continuous carbon film (Quantifoil, used for the Falcon4 dataset), respectively ...
bioRxiv - Biophysics 2024Quote: ... to produce a fiducial marker along with 0.01% NP-40 and 10 μM tubulin solution with BRB80 buffer and 1 mM GTP before the solution was dropped onto the grids (QUANTIFOIL R 1.2/1.3 Cu 200). The grids were blotted with vitrobot (Thermo Fisher Scientific ...
bioRxiv - Microbiology 2024Quote: ... 3.5 μL of protein sample at 0.15 mg/mL for the Gal/GalNAc lectin and at 0.2 mg/mL for lectin:scFv complexes were applied onto glow-discharged grids (Quantifoil R2/1 carbon film on a 300 gold mesh). After incubation for 10 s ...