Native Human C4b-Binding Protein

C4b-binding protein is a regulatory protein of the Complement Cascade that possesses decay-accelerating activity. Circulating in plasma, it aids in the control of fluid-phase and surface-associated activation of C3 and C5 and serves as a cofactor to Factor 1 in the proteolytic degradation of C4b. There are three isoforms circulating in plasma; 7 alpha chains and 1 Beta chain, 6 alpha chains and 1 Beta chain, and 7 alpha chains without a Beta chain. The 7 alpha, 1 Beta form is the most abundant. All C4BP molecules that contain a Beta chain circulate in plasma in a high-affinity, calcium-dependent complex with vitamin K-dependent, anticoagulant Protein S.
Supplier Creative Biomart
Product # C4BPB-184H
Pricing 250ug : USD $198