Paclitaxel (Taxol, Yewtaxan, Plaxicel, Paxceed, Abraxane, Ebetaxel, Capxol, Paxene, Genetaxyl, Plaxicel, Genexol, Mitotax, Onxol, Nov-Onxol, CAS 33069-62-4), >99.5%

LC Laboratories' Product Number P-9600 - Paclitaxel (Taxol, Yewtaxan, Plaxicel, Paxceed, Abraxane, Ebetaxel, Capxol, Paxene, Genetaxyl, Plaxicel, Genexol, Mitotax, Onxol, Nov-Onxol, CAS 33069-62-4), >99.5% - for research use only. Antitumor and antileukemic agent isolated from the bark of the yew tree, Taxus brevifolia. Binds to β-tubulin and promotes the assembly of microtubules that resist depolymerization preventing normal cell division. Induces apoptosis through a JNK-dependent pathway in the early phase followed by a JNK-independent pathway that results in Bcl-2 phosphorylation.
Supplier LC Laboratories
Product # P-9600
Sku # P-9600_5g
Pricing 5 g, $621.00

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