SZL P1-41

SZL P1-41 is a Skp2 inhibitor that prevents assembly of Skp2-Skp1 complexes. SZL P1-41 selectively suppresses Skp2 SCF E3 ligase activity but not the activity of other SCF complexes. It also inhibits Skp2-mediated p27 and Akt ubiquitination in vivo and in vitro. SZL P1-41 exhibits antitumor effects in multiple animal models and cancer cell lines.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # 222716-34-9
Pricing Inquire
Cas 222716-34-9
Molecular Weight 420.52
Molecular Formula C24H24N2O3S
Canonical SMILES CCC1=C(C(=C2C(=C1)C(=O)C(=CO2)C3=NC4=CC=CC=C4S3)CN5CCCCC5)O