
Kaolin occurs as a white to grayish-white colored, unctuous powder free from gritty particles. It has a characteristic earthy or claylike taste, and when moistened with water it becomes darker in color and develops a claylike odor.
Supplier CD Formulation
Product # PE0382
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product1 Suspending Agents
Molecular Formula Al2H4O9Si2
Molecular Weight 258.16
Applications Kaolin is a naturally occurring mineral used in oral and topical pharmaceutical formulations.In oral medicines, kaolin has been used as a diluent in tablet and capsule formulations; it has also been used as a suspending vehicle.In topical preparations, sterilized kaolin has been used in poultices and as a dusting powder. Therapeutically, kaolin has been used in oral antidiarrheal preparations.
Safety Kaolin is used in oral and topical pharmaceutical formulations and is generally regarded as an essentially nontoxic and nonirritant material. Oral doses of about 2-6 g of kaolin every 4 hours have been administered in the treatment of diarrhea.
Incompatibilities The adsorbent properties of kaolin may influence the absorption of other orally administered drugs. Drugs reportedly affected by kaolin include amoxicillin; ampicillin; cimetidine; digoxin; lincomycin; phenytoin; and tetracycline. Warfarin absorption byrat intestine in vitro was reported not to be affected by kaolin. With clindamycin, the rate (but not the amount) of absorption was affected by kaolin.
Synonyms Argilla; bolus alba; China clay; E559; kaolinite; kaolinum ponderosum; Lion; porcelain clay; Sim 90; weisserton; white bole
CAS Number 1332-58-7
Category Adsorbent; Suspending Agents; Tablet and Capsule Diluent
Chemical Name Hydrated aluminum silicate
Grade Pharmceutical Excipients
Administration route Oral; Topical
Dosage Form Capsule, Powder for suspension, Syrup, Tablet
Stability and Storage Conditions Kaolin is a stable material. Since it is a naturally occurring material, kaolin is commonly contaminated with microorganisms such as Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium tetani, and Clostridium welchii.However, kaolin may be sterilized by heating at a temperature greater than 160℃ for not less than 1 hour. When moistened with water, kaolin darkens and becomes plastic. Kaolin should be stored in a well-closed container in a cool, dry place.