WesternBright ECL Spray-HRP Substrate

Strong, long-lasting signal and low background are signatures of Advansta’s WesternBright HRP substrates for chemiluminescent Western blotting. Consume less antibody, use shorter exposure times, and image blots hours after substrate incubation. WesternBright ECL is an economical choice for routine blotting. WesternBright Quantum provides a large linear dynamic range with no band “burn out” (negative banding) at high protein loads. WesternBright Sirius, the most sensitive, detects bands not seen with other substrates. All are compatible with film detection and CCD imaging.
Supplier Advansta Corporation
Product # K-12049-D50
Pricing 2x250 ml (for 5000 cm² of membrane), USD $324.00/ea

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