Erlotinib, Free Base (CP-358774, D07907, OSI-774, Ro 50-8231, RO508231, Tarceva, CAS 183321-74-6), >99%

LC Laboratories' Product Number E-4997 - Erlotinib, Free Base (CP-358774, D07907, OSI-774, Ro 50-8231, RO508231, Tarceva, CAS 183321-74-6), >99% - for research use only. This is the free base form of erlotinib; please see our product Erlotinib, Hydrochloride Salt, Cat. No. E-4007, for further technical information. The hydrochloride salt form of erlotinib, not the free base, is used in the erlotinib formulation for use in humans. Erlotinib (as the hydrochloride salt) is the active ingredient in the drug product sold under the trade name Tarceva®. This drug has been approved in at least one country for use in patients with pancreatic cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and several other types of cancer. NOTE: The Erlotinib, Free Base research compound sold by LC Laboratories is NOT Tarceva®, and is NOT for human use. This erlotinib product is the free base, whose CAS number is given above. The CAS number of the hydrochloride salt is 183319-69-9. Related CAS numbers: 248594-19-6 for the erlotinib mesylate.
Supplier LC Laboratories
Product # E-4997
Sku # E-4997_500mg
Pricing 500 mg, $37.00