Native Bacillus polymyxa Dispase I

Dispase I is a rapid, effective, gentle and neutral protease that can separate intact epidermis from the dermis. It can also separate intact epithelial sheets in culture from the substratum. The enzyme preserves the viability of the epithelial cells while cleaving the basement membrane zone region. It can also be used to prevent clumping in suspension cultures. This protease cleaves fibronectin and type IV collagen, but not laminin, type V collagen, serum albumin, or transferrin. It hydrolyzes N-terminal peptide bonds of non-polar amino acid residues. It preferentially attacks denatured and intercellular proteins with exposed hydrophobic amino acid residues. Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ activate the enzyme. EDTA, EGTA, Hg2+ and other heavy metals inhibit the enzyme activity. The enzyme contains 1g-atom of zinc per g-mol of purified enzyme. If this zinc component is removed by chelating agents such as EDTA or EGTA, an inactive apoenzyme is obtained. The enzyme is not inhibited by serum.
Supplier Creative Enzymes
Product # NATE-0191
Pricing 100 ug, contact supplier for pricing
CAS 42613-33-2