Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-128358-10 mg
CAS # 2374703-19-0
Pricing 10 mg, USD $750.0
Biological Activity MR-L2 is a reversible and noncompetitive allosteric activator of long-isoform phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4), activates representative PDE4 long-isoform variants (PDE4A4, PDE4B1, PDE4C3, PDE4D5). MR-L2 suppresses PGE2-induced MDCK cell cyst formation with an EC50 of 1.2 µM[1].
Purity 99.36%
MWt 441.71
Formula C₁₉H₁₆Cl₃FN₄O