Mouse Embryonic Blasticidin and Zeocin-resistant (MMMbz) Immortalized Feeder Cells

Supporting cells, such as short-term cultures of fibroblasts, are used to cultivate human embryonic stem (ES) cells, however they are susceptible to senescence after a number of passages. The Mouse Embryonic Blasticidin and Zeocin-resistant (MMMbz) Immortalized Feeder Cells eliminates the problems associated with the use of primary cell lines. This cell line has a doubling time of 16 hours and may be used indefinitely to propagate human embryonic stem cells. It has the ability to facilitate the growth of hES H9 and hES H1. MMMbz cells are resistant to blasticidin and zeocin due to transgene expression allowing for selection of hES cells transfected with genes conferring resistance.
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # T2028
Pricing 1x106 cells/ml, Inquire