LCH7749944 HCl

LCH7749944 HCl is a novel and potent PAK4 inhibitor. It could effectively suppress the proliferation of human gastric cancer cells through downregulation of PAK4/c-Src/EGFR/cyclin D1 pathway. It significantly inhibited the migration and invasion of human gastric cancer cells in conjunction with concomitant blockage of PAK4/LIMK1/cofilin and PAK4/MEK-1/ERK1/2/MMP2 pathways. It also inhibited the formation of filopodia and induced cell elongation in SGC7901 cells. It caused successful inhibition of EGFR activity due to its inhibitory effect on PAK4. It may be potential therapeutic strategies for gastric cancer.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # 1049788-58-0
Pricing Inquire
Cas 1049788-58-0
Molecular Weight 386.87
Molecular Formula C20H23N4O2Cl