SEPLITE® LSF983 HC Weak Acid Cation Exchange Resin

SEPLITE® LSF983 HC is a food grade, polyacrylate macroporous weak acidic cation resin.
This resin is characterized by its acrylic matrix and very high capacity. The resin have a higher selectivity for divalent cations like lead, cadmium, copper, cobalt, and nickel than SAC resins. By removing the hardness as well as these heavy metals which are harmful to human health, the resin can improve the taste and purity of drinking water.
Due to the polyacrylate matrix, the resin has good resistance to attrition and is very stable to commonly used chemicals.
LSF983 HC is most commonly used in drinking water production and food industry such as sugar, also used in standard mixed bed system.
Manufacturing process is fully compliant with European Union regulation on Ion Exchange Resins and Adsorbers used in the processing of foodstuffs ResAP 2004(3).
Please follow our start-up recommendations which is available upon request, when using our products in food applications.
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # LSF983HC
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