ZLN024 hydrochloride

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-16708A-10 mg
CAS # 1883548-91-1
Pricing 10 mg, USD $132.0
Biological Activity ZLN024 hydrochloride is an AMPK allosteric activator. ZLN024 directly activates recombinant AMPK α1β1γ1, AMPK α2β1γ1, AMPK α1β2γ1 and AMPK α2β2γ1 heterotrimer with EC50s of 0.42 µM, 0.95 µM, 1.1 µM and 0.13 µM, respectively.
Purity 98.54%
MWt 361.69
Formula C₁₃H₁₄BrClN₂OS