PF-04859989 hydrochloride

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-116451-100 mg
CAS # 177943-33-8
Pricing 100 mg, USD $650.0
Biological Activity PF-04859989 hydrochloride is a brain-penetrant, irreversible kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT) II inhibitor with IC50s of 23 and 263 nM for hKAT II and rKAT II. PF-04859989 hydrochloride is selective for KAT II over human KAT I, KAT III, and KAT IV (IC50s of 22, 11, and >50 μM, respectively)[1].
Purity 99.15%
MWt 214.65
Formula C₉H₁₁ClN₂O₂