Cytidine 5'-diphosphate trisodium salt

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-W008915-25 mg
CAS # 34393-59-4
Pricing 25 mg, USD $140.0
Synonyms CDP
MWt 469.12
Formula C₉H₁₂N₃Na₃O₁₁P₂
Biological Activity Cytidine 5'-diphosphate trisodium salt (CDP) is produced by the transfer of phosphoryl group from ATP to cytidine monophosphate (CMP) catalyzed by uridine monophosphate kinase (UMPK). Cytidine 5′-diphosphate can be used to produce Cytidine triphosphate (CTP) for synthesis of DNA and RNA[1][2].
Purity ≥98.0%