2-Methylcitric acid trisodium

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-113371A-5 mg
CAS # 117041-96-0
Pricing 5 mg, USD $480.0
Biological Activity 2-Methylcitric acid trisodium (Methylcitric acid trisodium) is an endogenous metabolite in the 2-methylcitric acid cycle. 2-Methylcitric acid trisodium accumulates in methylmalonic and propionic acidemias and acts as a marker metabolite. 2-Methylcitric acid trisodium markedly inhibits ADP-stimulated and uncoupled respiration in mitochondria supported by glutamate[1].
Synonyms Methylcitric acid trisodium
MWt 272.1
Formula C₇H₇Na₃O₇