Cat Serum Amyloid A (fSAA) Rapid Test Kit

Cat Serum Amyloid A (fSAA) Rapid Test Kit is a qualitative immunofluorescence assay for the detection of Serum Amyloid A (fSAA).
Supplier Abbexa Ltd.
Product # abx472045-50T
Pricing 50 tests USD $391.5
Tested Applications LF
Test Range 2 mg/L - 200 mg/L
Availability Shipped within 5-12 working days.
Dry Ice No
  • This product is for research use only.
  • Please note that our kits are optimised for detection of native samples, rather than recombinant proteins. We are unable to guarantee detection of recombinant proteins, as they may have different sequences or tertiary structures to the native protein.