(+)-Usnic acid

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-N0656A-100 mg
CAS # 7562-61-0
Pricing 100 mg, USD $50.0
Biological Activity (+)-Usnic acid is isolated from isolated from lichens, binds at the ATP-binding pocket of mTOR, and inhibits mTORC1/2 activity. (+)-Usnic acid inhibits the phosphorylation of mTOR downstream effectors: Akt (Ser473), 4EBP1, S6K, induces autophay, with anti-cancer activity[1]. (+)-Usnic acid possesses antimicrobial activity against a number of planktonic gram-positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus faecium[2].
Purity ≥99.0%
MWt 344.32
Formula C₁₈H₁₆O₇