
Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-N2512-5 mg
CAS # 589-68-4
Pricing 5 mg, USD $50.0
Biological Activity 1-Monomyristin, extracted from Serenoa repens, inhibits the hydrolysis of 2-oleoylglycerol (IC50=32 μM) and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) activity (IC50=18 μM). 1-Monomyristin shows antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and also antifungal activity against Candida albicans[1][2][3].
Purity ≥98.0%
MWt 302.45
Formula C₁₇H₃₄O₄