Fmoc-L-beta -homoalanine

Supplier Alfa Chemistry
Product # ACM193954266-1
CAS # 193954-26-6
Pricing Inquire
Synonyms Fmoc--HoAla-OH, Fmoc-Beta-HoAla-OH, Fmoc-β-homoalanine, Fmoc-β-HomoAla-OH
IUPAC Name (3S)-3-(9H-fluoren-9-ylmethoxycarbonylamino)butanoic acid
Purity Peak Area by HPLC ≥95%
MolecularFormula C19H19NO4
MolecularWeight 325.4
Application Fmoc-L-beta-homoalanine has a range of applications in scientific experiments, particularly in the fields of peptide synthesis and drug discovery. It can be used as a building block for the synthesis of various peptides, including antimicrobial peptides and peptidomimetics. It has also been investigated as a potential drug candidate for various diseases, including cancer and infectious diseases.