Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9

Supplier Creative Peptides
Product # CPC1620
CAS # 928006-50-2
Pricing Inquire
Synonyms Dermican; LS-9745
MolecularFormula C22H33N7O9
MolecularWeight 539.5427
Sequence N-Acetyl-Gln-Asp-Val-His
Storage Common storage 2-8℃, long time storage -20℃.
Explanation Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9 palys a role in the stimulation of basement membrane polysaccharide (lumican) and the synthesis of collagen I.
  • Skin ageing is a global process resulting from alterations in the level of many skin components. These modifications affect both the quality of the dermal extracellular matrix (ECM) and epidermis cohesion, inducing wrinkles and skin fragility, respectively. Proteoglycans (PGs) take a strategic part in dermis and epidermis homeostasis. The lumican plays an important role during the collagen fibre formation in the dermal ECM. In addition, syndecan are strongly implicated in keratinocyte activation and cohesion. The evolution of lumican and syndecan-1 levels with ageing was studied and a decrease in the synthesis of these two PGs was observed. Skin cohesion is alsomainly dependent on the quality of the dermo-epidermal junction (DEJ). Basal keratinocytes of the epidermis adhere to this junction via specific structures: the hemidesmosomes. One of its components, collagen XVII is very important for the cohesion between the epidermis and dermis.
  • Philippe Moussou, L. D., Vincent Bardey, O. F., & Yanusz Wegrowski, F. X. (2009). Counteracting aging phenomena by new pure tetrapeptides with targeted efficacy. J. Appl. Cosmetol, 27, 63-71.
Functions Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9 promote dermal remodeling and helps achieve compact and plump the skin effect.