SEPLITE® CM2610 / CM2610S for industrial-scale chromatographic purification

SEPLITE® CM2610 / CM2610S are fillers with divinylbenzene polymer backbone and C18 linear alkanes as functional groups. It provides different separation options from polystyrene-divinylbenzene filler for the preparation and purification of small biological molecules.
Unlike traditional polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymerized inverse fillers, it uses C18 long linear chains as functional groups. Due to the different functional groups that provide hydrophobic force, it brings a different chromatographic behavior from traditional polystyrene-divinylbenzene packing. At the same time, the polymerization method is used to obtain a filler containing C18 linear alkanes, which has stronger alkali resistance compared to silica gel filler. Soaking in 1 M NAOH solution for 600 hours will not reduce the separation effect.
Compared with the reversed C18 silica gel filler, the higher specific surface area also brings a higher loading capacity. Narrow particle size distribution and good heat treatment process make the swelling capacity of the packing smaller, and lower back pressure at high flow rate, which can be widely used in industrial-scale chromatographic purification.
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # CM2610
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