LBA4404 Chemically Competent Cell

The genotype of LAB4404 Chemically Competent Cell is Ach5 (rif R) Ti pAL4404 (strep R) Octopine. Background of LAB4404 strain is Ach5 type. It contains rifampicin resistant gene (rif) and the carbenicillin resistance gene (carb) as screening label. LAB4404 carries a octoprine-type Ti plasmid pAL4404 to facilitate transformation. Ti plasmid pAL4404 contains vir gene, which is essential for insertion of T-DNA into plant genome. Ti plasmid pAL4404 is disabled to transfer its own T-DNA but enabled to transfer foreign binary vector T-DNA. pAL4404 Ti plasmid contains streptomycin resistance gene.
Supplier Lifeasible
Product # ACC-107
Pricing 10 tubes; 20 tubes; 50 tubes; 100 tubes, USD $388; $468; $738; $1,148
specs 100μL/tube