Veliparib, Free Base (A-861695, ABT-888, CAS 912444-00-9), >99%

LC Laboratories' Product Number V-4703 - Veliparib, Free Base (A-861695, ABT-888, CAS 912444-00-9), >99% - for research use only. Veliparib, also known as ABT-888, is a potent inhibitor of PARP-1 and PARP-2, with Ki values of 5.2 nM and 2.9 nM, respectively. It was demonstrated to have good oral bioavailability, to cross the blood-brain barrier well, to have modest antitumor activity alone, and to potentiate temozolomide, platinums, cyclophosphamide, and radiation in syngeneic and xenograft tumor models. This research compound is the free base form of veliparib. We also offer the dihydrochloride salt form; please see Veliparib, Dihydrochloride Salt, Cat. No. V-4799. A phase 1 clinical study demonstrated that the combination of veliparib with metronomic cyclophosphamide was well tolerated and showed promising activity in a subset of patients with refractory solid tumors and lymphomas and with BRCA mutations. Pressure-induced myogenic tone was potentiated while endothelium-dependent relaxation was reduced in diabetic mice compared with control mice. PARP-1 inhibitors INO-1001 and veliparib significantly reduced the potentiation of myogenic tone, improved endothelium-dependent relaxation, restored endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation and cGMP, and reduced cleaved PARP-1. PARP-1 inhibitors may be used to overcome diabetic microvascular dysfunction. This veliparib product is the free base form, whose CAS number is given above. The CAS number of the dihydrochloride salt form is 912445-05-7.
Supplier LC Laboratories
Product # V-4703
Sku # V-4703_1g
Pricing 1 g, $519.00