Recombinant Monkey PVR Protein, His-tagged, Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated

CD155 (cluster of differentiation 155) also known as the poliovirus receptor is a protein that is encoded by the PVR gene. CD155 is a Type I transmembrane glycoprotein in the immunoglobulin superfamily. Commonly known as Poliovirus Receptor (PVR) due to its involvement in the cellular poliovirus infection in primates, CD155's normal cellular function is in the establishment of intercellular adherens junctions between epithelial cells. The role of CD155 in the immune system is unclear, though it may be involved in intestinal humoral immune responses. Subsequent data has also suggested that CD155 may also be used to positively select MHC-independent T cells in the thymus.
Supplier Creative Biomart
Product # PVR-3116CAF647
Pricing 20ug : USD $798, 50ug : USD $1298, 100ug : USD $1998
Product Category Recombinant Protein
Shipping Country USA