RmesFect Stem -mRNA Transfection Reagent

RmesFect™ Stem Transfection Reagent is based on the TEE-technology specifically designed for mRNA transfection in Stem Cells with high efficiency and low toxicity. mRNA transfection provides several advantages over plasmid DNA delivery :
No need for nuclear uptake. mRNA translation into proteins occurs in the cytoplasm
Faster protein expression than DNA transfection
No genomic integration
Protein expression in a total promoter independent manner
RmesFect™Stem is specifically designed for in vitro mRNA (dsRNA) transfection in a large variety stem cells and primary cells.
RmesFect™Stem transfection reagent principal advantages:
Highly efficient : achieve mRNA delivery in all cells
Ready-to-use: no need for additional buffer
Low nucleic acid amount : minimized toxicity
Protects mRNA against degradation
Compatible with any culture medium
Serum compatible : Medium changed not required

Sizes :
500µL: 125-250 transfections with 1 µg of mRNA
1 mL: 250-500 transfections with 1 µg of mRNA
5 mL: 1250-2500 transfections with 1 µg of mRNA
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # RS30500
Pricing 500 µL; 1 mL; 5 mL, Inquire