Withaferin A

Withaferin A, also referred to as D004, NSC 101088, used as an important medicinal herb for over 3000 years, is a steroidal lactone derived from Acnistus arborescens, Withania somnifera and other members of Solanaceae family. This natural product has wide range of pharmacological application comprising of anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, antiangiogenic, etc. It inhibits NF-kB activation and targets vimentin.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # B0084-120734
Pricing 20 mg/unit USD $199
Cas 5119-48-2
Molecular Weight 470.60
Molecular Formula C28H38O6
Canonical SMILES CC1=C(C(=O)OC(C1)C(C)C2CCC3C2(CCC4C3CC5C6(C4(C(=O)C=CC6O)C)O5)C)CO