Propanamide, N-​[3-​[5-​O-​[bis(4-​methoxyphenyl)​phenylmethyl]​-​3-​O-​methyl-​β-​D-​ribofuranosyl]​-​6,​7-​dihydro-​7-​oxo-​3H-​1,​2,​3-​triazolo[4,​5-​d]​pyrimidin-​5-​yl]​-​2-​methyl-

Propanamide, N-[3-[5-O-[bis(4-methoxyphenyl)phenylmethyl]-3-O-methyl-β-D-ribofuranosyl]-6,7-dihydro-7-oxo-3H-1,2,3-triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-5-yl]-2-methyl-, is a highly potent bioactive chemical entity that has gained significant attention in the scientific field for its potential as a therapeutic agent for various cancer types. Its mechanism of action involves binding to specific protein targets in cancerous cells, leading to the suppression of their division and eventual apoptosis. Preliminary findings gleaned from clinical studies demonstrate its efficacy in lung, liver, and lymphatic cancers. The far-reaching potential of this compound is yet to be fully realized, and further exploration is warranted to determine its optimal clinical applications.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # 2356164-03-7
Pricing Inquire
Cas 2356164-03-7
Molecular Weight 670.71
Molecular Formula C35H38N6O8