Bacillosporin C

Bacillosporin C is an oxaphenalenone dimer found in T. bacillosporus. Bacillosporin C is an anhydride formed from the lactone bacillosporin D in the mangrove endophytic fungus SBE-14. Similar oxaphenalenone dimers have antibiotic activity and can inhibit acetylcholinesterase.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # 76706-63-3
Pricing Inquire
Cas 76706-63-3
Molecular Weight 490.41
Molecular Formula C26H18O10
Canonical SMILES CC1=CC(=C2C3=C1C(=O)CC4(C3(COC2=O)C5=C(C6=C7C(=C5O4)C(=CC(=C7C(=O)OC6)O)C)O)O)O