Acetyl dipeptide-1 Cetylester

Supplier Creative Peptides
Product # CPC1684
CAS # 196604-48-5
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Synonyms L-Arginine, N-acetyl-L-tyrosyl-, hexadecyl ester;
MolecularFormula C33H57N5O5
MolecularWeight 603.84
Storage Desiccate at -20°C
ShippingCondition Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
Explanation A soothing dipeptide (tyrosine + arginine) based molecule that functions as a "messenger of tranquility and muscle relaxation". It works via stimulating the skin nerve cells to release met-enkephalin, which is an opioid (i.e. relaxing, pain-relieving) messenger molecule.
Application Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester is composed of amino acids combined with esters, and is commonly used in hair and skin conditioners.