Chrymutasin A

Chrymutasin A is produced by the strain of Streptomyces chartreusis D329. The IC50 of P388, Meth A, A549, MKN45 and WiDr cells were 0.76, 1.55, 4.25, 1.35 and 1.56 g/mL, respectively.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # BBF-00327
Pricing Inquire
Cas 155213-40-4
Molecular Weight 651.61
Molecular Formula C33H33NO13
Canonical SMILES CC1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2=CC=CC3=C2C4=C5C6=C(C=CC(=C6C(=O)O4)C)C(=O)C(=N)C5=C3O)OC7C(C(C(C(O7)C)O)OC)O)O)O