Palladium(2+),tetraamminedibromo-, (OC-6-12)-

Palladium(2+),tetraamminedibromo-, (OC-6-12)- is a formidable biomedicine compound that exhibits its extraordinary potential in combatting select malignancies. By virtue of its distinctive molecular composition, it aptly hones in on and suppresses particular enzymes implicated in neoplastic proliferation. Derived from Palladium, this product showcases exemplary performance and auspicious outcomes across diverse preclinical investigations.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # 44463-62-9
Pricing Inquire
Cas 44463-62-9
Molecular Weight 334.35
Molecular Formula Br2H12 N4 Pd
Canonical SMILES N.N.N.N.Br[Pd]Br