AICAR, Free Base (Acadesine, AICA-riboside, AIC-Riboside, 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside, Arasine, Protara, GP 1-110, NSC 105823, Z-Riboside, CAS 2627-69-2), >99%

LC Laboratories' Product Number A-1098 - AICAR, Free Base (Acadesine, AICA-riboside, AIC-Riboside, 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside, Arasine, Protara, GP 1-110, NSC 105823, Z-Riboside, CAS 2627-69-2), >99% - for research use only. AICAR, also known as acadesine, is an adenosine regulating agent and AMPK activator. Treatment with AICAR before and during coronary artery bypass graft surgery in patients reduced early cardiac death, perioperative myocardial infarction, and combined adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Perfusion of rat hindlimbs with medium containing AICAR was found to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in skeletal muscle, inhibit acetyl-CoA carboxylase, reduce malonyl-CoA, and increase fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake. After 45 minutes of blocking of a side branch of the left coronary artery in the dog, the ischemic area was reperfused for 3 hours and needle biopsies were taken for biochemical analysis. Adenine nucleotide de novo synthesis was shown to be very slow and it was doubled after ischemia. Adenine nucleotide synthesis was improved 5-fold by ribose (the basic substrate of the adenine nucleotide de novo synthesis), 9-fold by AICAR (an intermediate of the adenine nucleotide de novo synthesis), and 90-fold by adenosine (a substrate of the nucleotide salvage pathway). AICAR increased glucose uptake and the translocation of the glucose transporter likely by activating AMPK. Acute AICAR treatment inhibited hormone-sensitive lipase phosphorylation and activation, and had similar antilipolytic effects on both visceral and subcutaneous adipocytes. The effects of AICAR on insulin action were determined in insulin-resistant high-fat-fed rats. AICAR enhanced the glucose infusion rate during the clamp. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was improved by AICAR in white but not in red quadriceps, whereas glycogen synthesis was improved by AICAR in both red and white quadriceps. AICAR increased insulin suppressibility of hepatic glucose output. Thus, AICAR or similar compounds may have potential in treating insulin-resistant states and type 2 diabetes. AICAR was found to be a proficient cytotoxic agent in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. The mechanisms of its anti-proliferative and apoptotic effect appeared to be through activation of p38-MAPK pathway, enhanced expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins p27 and p53, and downstream effects on the mTOR pathway. NOMENCLATURE: The names "AICAR" and "Acadesine" have been used by various vendors in conflicting ways, to describe either the non-phosphorylated compound or the 5'-phosphorylated compound. Our AICAR product is the non-phosphorylated compound, and we have chosen to use "AICAR" as our product name because that name has become the more widely used of the two names for the unphosphorylated compound. AICAR was the active ingredient in drug formulations apparently prepared for human clinical trials and referred to under the trade names Arasine® and Protara>®. NOTE: THE AICAR, FREE BASE RESEARCH COMPOUND SOLD BY LC LABORATORIES IS NOT ARASINE® NOR PROTARA®, AND IS NOT FOR HUMAN USE.
Supplier | LC Laboratories |
Product # | A-1098 |
Sku # | A-1098_200mg |
Pricing | 200 mg, $139.00 |