db/db Mouse

An intronic G-to-T transversion in this allele created a donor splice site that causes abnormal splicing and the inclusion of 106 nt of intronic sequence in the transcript, leading to premature termination of the long cellular domain of the Ob-Rb splice form and loss of its signal transducing function.
Supplier Ace Therapeutics
Product # DMM-001005
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Synonyms Leprb, LEPROT, leptin receptor gene-related protein, Modb1, obese-like, obl, Obr, OB-RGRP
Category Mouse Models
disease type T2DM
Strain Name B6.BKS(D)-Leprdb/J
Background Strain B6.BKS
Research Application Leptin resistance; insulin resistance; obesity; and type 2 diabetes.
Target Name Lepr
Gene ID 16847